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Way Out
Waiting for superman.
Sunday, March 2, 201411:52 PM

"She's counting the stars..."

Lost all motivation to study for the upcoming Math and History test. Not a good start since it's only March but damn, I'm feeling so tired and a loss of what to do and a loss of direction that I don't even feel like bucking up. Ugh. This is so bad. Someone please be my personal slave driver and get me to work hard ugh.

Netball carnival on Saturday was alright I guess. I mean, we didn't go there to expect to win (in fact I think we were the worst of the lot) but it was a good experience. Well, the people there play competitive and stuff but oh well, they were great (: And it's really not every day that you get to visit an international school and play with people from international schools. The school was really cool; it felt like we were being transported to another country or something. And everyone there was so pretty and tall wow. 

Just can't bring myself to put down all my baggages and start afresh. Hope you understand.

Can't believe a new week is starting already. I'm certainly not ready at all.

Had a really good service sermon today because the speaker talked about returning to the heart of God. And he used the parable of the lost son and it's like even though we stray away from our Father, He'll still welcome us back with open arms if we want to return. And I guess it's so applicable because at some point in time we seek other things before seeking Him, and we lose sight of who's really protecting us. It's only when we hit rock-bottom that we remember that there is a home for us and someone who has been searching and yearning for us to return. 

Well, that's all from me. Sighpie. Don't even have the motivation to keep this thing alive too.
