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Way Out
Darling, you'll be okay.
Friday, February 28, 20146:30 AM

"If you are trapped between your feelings and what other people think is right, always go for whatever makes you happy. Unless you want everybody to be happy except you."

Can't believe that February is coming to an end. Time really flies. And I didn't notice until now because I've been so busy and work has been piling up like crazy and I can't understand why. This is indeed saddening. 

School basically just sucks like mad other than retarded stuff involving people, but other than that I feel so sad to go to school because it isn't like I face enough disappointments outside of school but then I come to school and see my grades and then I just don't know what to say. I mean, things that I thought I was okay or even good at turns out to be the things that I'm flunking. Not sure what's going to save my soul in the future. 

Sometimes I wonder if love is worth fighting for. Then I look in your eyes and I'm ready for war.

Recently I've been doing more stuff with my cousin, like baking and communicating through whatsapp and stuff like that. I guess it's really nice but the sad thing is she'd be going back to Australia on Sunday, and I'm not sure if she's planning to come back any time this year again. I guess I used to be very close to her but then shit got in the way and we drifted apart quite a bit. And yesterday we were talking and I really liked it that she trusts me enough to talk to me about matters of the heart and even though I think I'm quite awkward and stuff like that, but I just like this closeness again.

I hope we can last a little longer than forever simply because forever isn't enough.

Yup, I guess that's about it. Nothing much to say because life is just revolving so much around school ): And on a sidenote, I hurt my knee and it doesn't feel good at all.
