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Way Out
Memories are knives and you're the one that's stuck in my chest.
Saturday, February 22, 20143:07 PM

"Let's lie on a cloud and talk about how nice the stars look up close."

Found this comic thing a year or so back and I just thought it's super sweet and adorable hahahaha.

I think Fridays and Wednesdays are the best days because they're short and the lessons are mostly quite slack (: Fridays especially. I think the only downside of yesterday was that there was Mod PE and usually I'd be slacking my ass off while everyone goes around doing their stuff in the gym, and then leave early. But yesterday we did the circuit thing and so we had to use most of the machines and for 1-2 minutes. UGH. Is this the price to pay for slacking all the way 'til now ): On a sidenote, I think I really have no strength + no endurance + no skill in this whole gym thing. (((I DID THREE SIT-UPS CONGRATULATIONS TO ME I AM SO GONNA PASS NAPFA NEXT YEAR!!!!!))) 

Then it was RT where the new standard ones came in. I thought the whole training was good and even though the smc officers' session (plus Chuanying) was weird and awkward hahahaha, it was alright all in all. Kind of excited to start this whole new journey now that I've seen the kids. And yup, hope that all of them will learn as much as possible through these 4 years (:

Studied with Yongli, Pengfei and Charlotte in school after RT yesterday and even though it was just for a while, I guess I really miss times like this. Especially since we haven't had much time and the chance to catch up a lot and a lot and a lot. 

Some days I wish you were here to stay.

Need to do well in school need to do well in school need to do well in school need to do well in school need to do well in school need to do well in school need to do well in school x999999999999999999.

I think what I really need is for a day where people stop talking to me about school, about work, about expectations and commitments and what not. In school, people talk about grades, doing well, how to ace exams, not failing, promoting, test schedules and how much homework there is. Then all the things we have to do just comes piling and everyone just talks about it. And even when you leave school and come back home, or during the weekends, work never stops and everyone just continues to talk about it. It's getting so tiring. Even when I'm not doing my work, people still talk about it, and I have to worry about it still. It's crazy and insane. You can't ever run away. 

Not trying to be unfilial or anything, but someday I would want to move out of this house. Not because I want to leave my family behind (I won't ever do that because it's mean and wrong), but because I really want to experience living alone and being alone and doing things on my own. Take responsibility for everything that I do, and clear up my own shit. 

Read about a post about abusive and controlling men on Tumblr and it really got me thinking. Well apparently, sometimes they don't go all the way like beating and punching and kicking not because they are blinded by anger or something, but because they're aware of what they're doing and to them it can be because they are afraid someone might notice or because they think it's unacceptable. Basically, it was summed up to be that these people just have a warped sense of right and wrong. They had an example whereby more than half of these men surveyed agreed that they've ever felt like calling their mum a bitch, but they've never done that because it's just wrong to do so. But the funny thing is, then why is it okay to do it to your girlfriend or your wife?

Well, okay, that was deep. And yup, I think that's all from me (: Boring day.
