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Way Out
Maybe she fell asleep crying.
Thursday, February 20, 201411:44 PM

"One day I'll be someone that I'm not. And it'll be greater than who I am."

This week has been a crazy week. It's like an inconsistent week. There were ups and downs and all sorts of things. I'm not sure if I'd want to forget or remember this week.

Feeling quite excited for SMC 1 to welcome the new kids in for tomorrow (: Even though it's been super messy the entire way while preparing for them to enter SJ, I really hope everything turns out fine. Well, I guess I'll need all the help I can get because this is a pretty important phase and it's like a make it or break it kind of thing. 

Great day today (: Even though lessons were long and torturous, it was still a fantastic day. I think it's because of a good start, since I was on time (with one minute to spare!) for footdrill session with NC and even though Math was horrible because my pre-tutorial review came back to me and it was so horribly done I feel ashamed of myself. Maybe I should quit on Math and not even take H1 Math because it's obviously not my thing. 

Netball was great and super fulfilling (: Even though I wasn't playing like extraordinarily or surprisingly or impossibly well, I just thought it was a good game today (: And we celebrated Shernice's birthday after training and I guess she didn't expect us to know or prepare something hahahahaha. I think I'm thankful for my Tuesdays and Thursdays because there's netball and even though we always get so tired after training and that I suck at it and stuff, it's like the only time when life is pretty normal and there's nothing much to worry about. And it's like the only time when I can finally put aside all those pent-up emotions and just be around people who won't even question much about anything in my life. I like it like that and I hope it stays like this (:

Is it sad that I haven't watched Tangled! ):

Senior high life is finally getting interesting hahahaha minus the fact that there are tests coming up like rockets.

I hope you're being honest and that you won't let me fall.

It'd be cool if everyone looked like their personality so we will never have to say "oh what a pretty face but such an ugly heart". But then if you think about it, I'd then look like some piece of shit.

Alright, that's all (: TGIF GUYS!!!!!
