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Way Out
Even if rain doesn't fall and the thunder doesn't echo, and the sky isn't cloudy, would you stay here?
Saturday, February 15, 201411:57 PM

"The kind of love that's like jumping into the ocean despite not being able to swim."

Memories are knives and you're the one that's stuck in my chest.

Boo hahaha, it's been a while. Just another sign that I'm getting busier and busier and there's not much time left for myself. But I kind of like how life gets too busy sometimes so I stop sitting around with no goal and no action. And watch myself rot and die from overthinking. Meanwhile, I need to get a planner because I've gotten over my student handbook. Now I need something more hurhurhur.

Hope everyone's February 14th went well because mine did and I'm very very happy hehe.

I hope I know what I'm doing because I don't want to look back one day and think "I wish I hadn't done that". 

Today started off really weird because I woke up with a teary left eye and it was my tear duct (?) being an ass again. Just like how the last time the same thing happened because an eyelash got stuck there and irritated the tear duct like crazy hahahaha. So I had to wear my specs out and you wouldn't believe how retarded I felt the entire day. I probably sound very superficial now but I think it works the same way as how some people cannot get out of the house with makeup. It's not like I look a million times better now but my specs are just meant for home and for me when I feel ugly and lazy, and having to wear it out just makes me feel so so so so so so so insecure. Wow, I sound like a bimbo now.

CMC meeting was alright. I guess it was better than the previous one. And it was pretty short and painless. But yup, that just means there's more work to do and more things to submit and more expectations to be met. Looking forward to them though (: And went to Macs after the meeting and I'm slightly disappointed with myself because I swore off fast food after CNY but about one month later and I'm breaking my promise already. Went home after that and guess who fell asleep for four hours. A round of applause please.

This week has been a pretty lovely week despite some people spoiling it here and there, but other than that, it was literally a lovely week especially since everyone was being so friendly and everything (: I think you don't need to dedicate a special day to show your love because you should be doing that every day, but it was nice nevertheless (: I was really really really surprised when 5C11 had balloons for all of us because it was just so so so sweet :') And all the little stuff throughout the whole day.

How awkward it has turned out to be. Maybe we were never meant to be what I thought could happen.

I'm not passionate about SJ. I'm not obsessed and I'm definitely not neglecting my studies. I just think that if I'm given something to do, I should do it to the best of my abilities. And moreover, now whatever I'm doing is affecting not just me, but so many kids and I can't afford to screw up. I don't really care if I screw up myself, but hey, I'm not bringing anyone down with me. So for parents, teachers, whoever is concerned, I know what I'm doing. And I don't do SJ shit 24/7 (who likes to do them anyway). I'm not crazy and stupid to the point where I dedicate my entire life to SJ. I just think that I need to do this and if I don't like slipshod work, then why should I compromise on the kind of work I give?

Well, that's about it (:
