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Way Out
You can't say everything, so you don't say nothing.
Wednesday, January 1, 201410:50 AM

"Start all over..."

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE (: And hello 2014.

Well, Christmas is officially over. In fact for a few days already since I didn't blog for so long. I guess this year's Christmas was nothing special, just felt like any other day. I think the older we get, the less appealing it is. Works the same for all other occasions, where we look forward and count down to the actual day but when it comes, it doesn't feel as exciting anymore. 

A new year, a new start. Sometimes I don't feel myself changing much or growing up much but I guess when I look back I can see the change. I never have any new year resolutions for myself unless someone forces me to come up with something so I don't have much to expect from myself in this new year for now. Maybe just to do decently in school because that's really all that I can think about and expect from myself. 

2013 has been an eventful year, with all the little milestones along the way. National champions, POP, EOYs, signing on, the recent JNCO, going to Italy and many many many more which I can't really think of at the moment. I guess I'm really thankful that I have such things to look forward to in my life because without them I'd be rotting and stuff like that. The takeaways for each event might have been different but they're useful all the same. And also I'm thankful for all the people who've made 2013 really awesome (: The bunch of people in school (also known as food party people in my phone) because even though it's kind of regretful that I only started talking to some of you in the beginning of last year, I'm glad we've been through all sorts of things which just makes you guys all the more awesome. Then there's my squad lololol, I guess this is quite self-explanatory. And there are many more people, really. Like, MANY MANY MORE. And I definitely look forward to creating more memories with different people. 

Went for High Praise yesterday to celebrate Church of Singapore's 50th anniversary as well as to end of 2013 on a good note. I am super grateful that Jing En had an extra ticket because my family only had three tickets so thank God for it and all of us got to go. I guess it was very awkward in the beginning because of all the people I didn't want to see but it's okay, I think I need to learn to live with this. High Praise was really really really good (: And looking at the 50 years that we've been through so far and all the little miracles that led to the splendour of this church, I could see God's faithfulness and how His love endures forever (: Have been straying away too much for awhile now, and all I'm looking for now is to feel that hunger for Him once more.

This holiday's been the craziest holiday ever. It gets kind of scary.

No matter how hard I try, I will never forget all the things he's done because I invested so much into him and yet all he gave in return was disappointment. I don't think I'll ever forget how high he could make me soar and how I could plummet to the ground without a warning. And no one will ever replace him, absolutely no one. If up 'til now he can still give me butterflies, then surely I will never feel the same for anyone anymore.

People change and sometimes it isn't for the better. I thought I could always count on you to be there when the whole world turns against me. But then I realised that maybe you've grown tired of sheltering me and watching me become whatever you couldn't. So maybe you turned selfish since you've been selfless. And I don't want to be the selfish one now so I'm going to watch you go and your shadow fade out of my life.

You don't know how many walls I've put up because I'm afraid to let you in.

Alright, time to do something more. First comptrain for NC tomorrow :') 
