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Way Out
Game over.
Sunday, January 5, 201410:30 PM

"I hope your life leads you back to my front door..."

I am procrastinating like nobody's business. I have my GP package (I only managed to tackle a few pages) and a history essay but I have absolutely no motivation to start on them at all. I've already written my name on my foolscap paper but it's just unfortunately blank. What a bad start and a bad habit for this new year. I am ashamed.

First day of school for tomorrow and I guess it's a major change. For previous years I'd be expecting the same things to be happening other than the slight change in company but that's about it. This time it'd be an entirely new class, new subjects, new environment, new expectations and it's just crazy. Not sure how long it's going to take me to finally get used to it but I'm definitely not looking forward to this change. Contrary to common belief I absolutely find orientation and mixing with new people very awkward because I have to keep my behaviour in check and that gets too painful ): 

For the new year, I've already told myself a million times that I cannot slack. I've said this a million times to myself but then not really keeping to it and then regretting it when the exams come. So until I become stable (?) I cannot slack. Please feel free to stab me if I start slacking too much (because sometimes slacking is a good dose of rest) and get me back on track please. I CAN DO THIS!!

There are a few things that would need ironing out in this new year, especially with all the new commitments. 

I am such an awkward person, especially when I had to deal with NC during our very first comptrain. Looking back we should have let them played a while but I think productiveness is key since Zone comp isn't a sure-win thing anymore D: (jiayou DHS) I thought it was a pretty good start (((((((((:

It would really help if you could find me something to erase all those bad memories in my head. Erase those things that shaped my thinking now and all those things that made me so apprehensive about everything now. Replace them with words; your very own words because I don't want to hear from anyone else. Tell me what you genuinely feel when you're alone, or even when you have the world in your mind. Then maybe I'd look at you differently and just the way you want me to.

Alright, back to History essay TT^TT
