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Way Out
I'm going to find a happy place.
Saturday, January 11, 20141:05 AM

"We became worse than strangers, we became burdens to each other."

It's been a super dee duper great day (: Usually I'd feel tired after a whole day of orientation but today I just feel better than ever. #KARAZO'14! Didn't join the class for lunch which was slightly regretful. And then the day started and I guess I just felt super happy somehow, and I think I'm just happy to be around people hmmm... I managed to smoke through the mass dance rehearsal (((AGAIN!!!!!!))) because lack of talent. I know it's a very very lame excuse but I honestly think I don't have the skills to do this xD Homa didn't win best house which was so sad but it's alright, hehe. And then came the real mass dance, which was halfway when the house captains were sparring with the villain and we had to dance to defeat the villain AND I FELT SO CHEATED ):

Dinner, and then random cheering battle in the canteen when everyone was being high and all and jumping and stomping on canteen tables/benches. SUPER CRAZY. And we just kind of joined in during every cheer, whether or not they were from Homa. Some cheers from other houses are just so good and so catchy that they just make you want to cheer along ahahaha. And then came the whole mingling session where everyone went around taking pictures and (((I THINK I WAS BOUNCING EVERYWHERE!!!!!))) we took pictures with our old classes, old CCAs and random groups of friends and it just felt so great. Ultimately these are the people we know we can always fall back on and it felt great to just know that they're there even when we don't say it. Which also reminds me that Jamie and I are going to celebrate our 5th year anniversary soon. Here's to two more years of sticking together.

I guess I made friends? Somehow we all start forgetting how to make friends and took making friends for granted over time. Back when we were younger, people just fall together so easily and it didn't take much, but now it seems like I have to put in so much effort to step out of my comfort zone to make friends. Personally I don't see the need to put in effort to make friends most of the time because I just believe that the right people will just end up together but this time I really tried! So I guess there are a few new people I've talked to, and acquaintances that I got to know more and this is what orientation is all about anyway.

Looking back, orientation this year was some large-scale thing and I'm really glad and grateful that it happened and created such fond memories that we'll probably laugh about ten years down the road. It gets so tiring sometimes doing what life expects of us that we need to learn how to play hard too (:

Well, it made me realise who are the people I'm comfortable with and who are the people I would want to keep as a friend in the long run. How people would do anything to attain goals that they have, be it through ethical ways or underhand means. How people change once they're put into a different environment. How violent games can get and how some people behave like beasts on the field. How everything looks and feels different from different perspectives. And many many many more. It's just orientation, but I'm already learning.

School life starts proper on Monday. I've got my new timetable, which kind of sucks btw. Nevertheless, I look forward to this new year and all the new experiences. I never liked change, but I think this one's gonna be bearable (: Well, there are more things to busy myself with now anyway.

