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Way Out
Wake me up when it's all over.
Tuesday, November 12, 20136:46 PM

"Long live the reckless and the brave..."

Was just clearing up my room today and I realized all the times that I complained that I didn't have enough storage space, when in actual fact they were taken up by stuff from my entire Junior High life that I didn't have a chance to clear. And clearing them today just gave me a sense of...hmm, I'm actually thrilled to dump some of them, but then some were just... I mean, I spent hours writing on those pieces of paper and in my notebooks and all, it just seems ruthless to leave them by the rubbish bin downstairs. 

Looking back the biggest regret would be not studying hard enough. There were times where I really tried and there's no more I could ever do, but I guess sometimes your best just isn't enough. Sadly. But I guess I don't have a good foundation because I spent most of my time in Year 1 and 2 just slacking my butt off, which is certainly regretful. Nevertheless, let me just say that if I didn't slack, I wouldn't get such results and things would be very very different from what they are now. And I guess I kinda prefer how things are now, and I can't imagine a life different from what it is now, so...other than not studying hard, not regretting anything much.

I guess I've made a few mistakes picking my friends, or just falling into the wrong group of friends. They're not bad or anything, but I guess I had to go through a few people before finding the kind of people I'd want to keep as friends. There are people I'd have avoided if I knew what kind of people they were, but still, I'm thankful for their company for a period of time. Some people are just better off without you and sometimes you're better off without some people. Guess it works like that. I didn't have to pick my bunch of friends in year three and four because it's kind of "expected" that you go with people from your previous class and then add friends along the way which is kind of what happened (: And then you just become friendly with everyone so you can literally just sit with anyone, which is great (:

Well, to avoid further disappointment in my life (for the rest of my life), or trying to lessen how difficult in gets in the process, I hope I've grown smarter and more mature so that I can work harder and work smarter. 

On a sidenote, I've been reminded by Tumblr that 2014 is in 56 days or somewhere around there. Wow.

Has anyone tried watching Zoella's videos on Youtube because her accent is just so lovely I think I can just sit at my laptop and watch her videos all day long and hear her talk. And she's so pretty, can someone tell me how is it fair that someone has an accent AND a pretty face.

Not looking for anything.

I just want to sit close beside you and watch bad movies and just fall asleep when I'm tired.



P.S. My tumblr dashboard is filled with pictures of Starbucks. All kinds of coffee and drinks. Help.