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Way Out
Shining like stars 'cause we're beautiful.
Sunday, November 10, 20134:28 PM

"When you took it all, you forgot your shadow..."

And so, I've officially became a fan. I mean, I've always got a soft spot for slow songs and then the lyrics are such a killer and so so so sweet. You'll feel your heart melting melting melting.

I just need a pint of ice-cream and some sweet company.

>> HCL O's: I guess I'm officially a freeman now :') I've cleared everything I need to clear hahahaha. Even though I'm a bit doubtful about what might happen when I receive my grades, I shall choose to believe that I can at least pass and if it really really really is that bad, then at least get a D7. After that, went to eat with Jaslyn, Felicia and Natasha and just sat around to talk and stuff. Then Natasha went off for her French class which she nearly forgot because she was too engrossed in discussing about what to wear the next day (x And I got so annoyed because they were so worried about what to wear because YOU GUYS ENDED UP LOOKING FINE ANYWAY (((: Then headed back to Serangoon with Felicia and had sogurt while just walking around because she didn't feel like going home that early 8) Craving #1 for froyo satisfied.

>> Comptrials: Welllllllll, didn't start off on the right foot with the kids but oh well, guess it was pretty okay (: Nothing much to add on other than that it was alright, and I'm glad it's fine! Looking forward to more comptrials in the future (tomorrow!) :D

>> Y.E.P: Going for such stuff is demoralising. I mean I don't really like to plan and think about what to wear and stuff and then I just end up rushing through stuff on the actual day so I guess I kind of look like a mess (every time). And then going for YEP was just demoralising because everyone looked so freaking good and you just wonder what the hell happened to your face or something like that. Well, other than that, I guess it was great just hanging around with friends because usually we'd be in school and stressing over stuff so it's a good time to have fun ((: And got to catch up with Ivin and it just brought back lots of memories especially seeing the 12 guys together and still as bonded and gay as ever :') Another word for such events would be ENERGY-DRAINER because by the time it hit 10:30PM, my legs were aching so badly I wished I had a carriage to bring me home or something ): In any case, good job planning comm, it was seriously a job well done 8) Was a bit unsure at first but it was good, it was good (: I've pictures but hahaha, they shall just be for memories sake ;)

>> Maintenance Day: Hmm, feels different to be back in SJ officially and also with a different position. I guess it's like along the way sometimes I wonder what it'd be like if it were our squad doing this maintenance day and stuff like that. I guess I miss how everything used to be but it's okay because moving on, things aren't too bad now either (: Different but still good? 

>> Today: CS with Xiner and a few Standard Threes and I shall not elaborate on it because it was just seriously a joke. We got lost for ages, and thinking about it now I have to thank God that Xiner came to look for me if not I'd probably be dead in the forest or something like that because Google maps suck. Anyway, we ended early so we decided to go to Wimbly Lu to eat and we shared baked rice and waffle with ice-cream (Craving #2 for waffles satisfied :D). Eating there just reminded me that I need a job asap because /sobs/ money /sobs/ TT^TT And yup, it was great just eating and talking (: 

Your smell surrounds me in wisps and I'm so afraid I'm getting too attached.

Turn back time and let me believe again.

Have you ever felt so confused about people, like one minute they're oozing every ounce of sweetness and then the next they're making you feel like the most worthless person on earth? But you're afraid to really find out and ask what they truly think about you because you fear that it's something you wish you didn't know. If only people would wear their hearts on their sleeves more often. I wouldn't do that because it's easier to get hurt but if only I could know what everyone's thinking because I wish I knew how to treat them the way they deserve to be treated.

I'm sorry I'm so hard to understand.


I miss you. I'm so sorry.