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Way Out
I could get lost in a voice like yours.
Monday, November 4, 20136:30 PM

"So good to me, so right..."

I wonder how far someone can be stretched until it's way past their limits and that they don't find themselves in a mess, on the floor, and questioning how everything came to this. I wonder how long it takes to push someone to their edge and then to the point of no return. I wonder how people are actually going to notice that it's too much to take and start cutting some slack. I wonder how it'd be like if no one tried to nudge people on when they don't feel like it.

I try my best not to let anything affect me, especially if it doesn't concern me or it's so small and petty, but sometimes I really cannot help myself and it just comes in waves. Waves would equate to feeling nothing at once, and then feeling all of it the next. And it's horrible because when it hits you the hardest, you can't find any way to get up and it's just so embarrassing

Everyone says that it's never healthy to expect something out of anyone, but I thought it's kind of stupid to say that because it's human nature to expect. We say, oh, we didn't expect anything from him/her anyway, but there's just this part of you wishing that the outcome was different and nothing like this. With expectations comes disappointment, and isn't it so sad that because people fear disappointment that they stop expecting?

No matter how small a promise is, like promising to do something or anything, I really detest it when it gets broken. Why promise when you have no control over whether or not you can make it happen? I'd rather you said nothing at all so that whatever happens, I can never blame it on you. It's because we always promise something when we are in the best of moods, and then we look back and realise that we shouldn't have. "You promised", I don't know how many times I've ever felt like screaming this into someone's face because I hate the feeling of being lifted so high into the sky and then plummeting down the next moment.

We've all read stories and reports about how two people don't get along or they cheat on one another but at the end of the day they still get back together, and it always puzzles me how is it possible that you can wake up the next day and look at the same person and not feel any fear at all? It doesn't matter if the person goes on his/her knees and feed you a million little apologies, because how can you ever feel the same again? How much does it take to finally decide that it's the last straw and to walk away? How much does it take to convince someone you'd never repeat your mistake

There are so many sad people in the world and it's because of wrong choices they made but it's so ironic that these things that cause them to be so sad were the things that made them so happy once upon a time.

Not sure why I'm even typing this. I think I just needed to get it out. I really don't like it when people promise that they'll be there forever or promise me things they don't know if they can fulfil because I never asked you to, and I hope you understand that I don't want to come to a point where I'd hate you for things you said and didn't do. I am thankful, but until I learn that not everyone is the same, I'm always going to take it at face value. It's wrong and I am sorry, but it's going to take some time. It's been a while, or a pretty long while, but even now, I still sit on the floor sometimes and wonder why you said those things that you never meant. And it still hurts every time.


On a side note, I am craving for pancakes.