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Way Out
It's human nature to want what you can't have.
Sunday, November 3, 201312:31 AM

"Please be okay, please..."

Somehow the picture above got me thinking about my sister and as much as I always think she's annoying, actually she's a really good person. Well, at least compared to me (x But that doesn't really matter. I mean, if there's a good kid then there must be a bad kid so that the good kid can be labelled as the better one (do I make sense) so I really don't mind I guess. Anyway, I think she's a good person in the sense that she's genuine. Like there was this time when she had to collect money for a walkathon and somehow my mother gave her the idea unknowingly that nobody really cares about the names you write down under the list of people who donated. So she went to make up fake names and donated more money from her own pocket. I mean, it was infuriating when I found out because she was so so so stupid, but at the same time she did that because she wanted to donate more and so I think that's why she's a good person. Well, other than the fact that she sometimes tells on me when I tell her not to, or that she banishes me to my room when she can't take me bouncing off the walls, or that she always does so well in school that it makes me look so stupid; she's a really good companion to have I guess. And even though when I was younger I'd wish she didn't exist, like leaving her out in a family drawing (and then she'd insist that I didn't draw her because she was in my mother's tummy, whatever, loser), I think I'd forever be protective over her. Now I wish she wouldn't find my blog and then read this because I'd have to admit that I'm grateful for her. Maybe I should come up with some hate post for her some other day jkjkjk.

Today was a normal day I guess. I think there isn't much to update about my life right now because nothing much interests me enough to blog about it these days ): Or maybe because my life is just that boring and mundane. Sad, isn't it. But there're many things I'm anticipating as of next week so.... ((((:

The only reason why I don't like reading happy stories is because they don't make me feel very much happier after completing them. Maybe it's because I just feel that it's slightly more to the impossible side, like it's never going to happen to me. And it's always a little too good to be true. I'd prefer reading angst-y stories, but only ones with a happy ending, because sure I don't enjoy happy stories but I feel everything should end off properly and happily. It can be a "sad" ending where two people don't end up together but they're happier apart. And also because only when you experience the bad things, would you be able to fully appreciate the good things.

Just don't want to spread the bad vibes. And you don't deserve any ounce of sadness in you. I don't want to reflect any rays of goodness that's supposed to reach you. I hope you can see it from my point and understand.

Oh well, here's to a fruitful start of the holiday, and hope that I'd cherish this very last (?) proper holiday (though my schedule for the holidays is already packed _|_). 
