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Way Out
You will always mean absolutely everything to me.
Thursday, May 2, 201310:33 AM

"He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for me..."

HOME ALONE DAY :DD Hahahaha. Thank God for the extra day to study but I have no idea what the hell I'm doing now .___. Going back to study Bio later == And then maybe head to Starbucks to continue studying. And then tuition, which I'm going to spend 4 hours on travelling to and fro and the actual lesson. Super waste of time D: Ugh. So annoying.

>> Tuesday: Math paper L.L Honestly the most annoying shit everrrrrrr. Actually I thought the front was quite manageable but then the back was just out to kill people and there wasn't enough time TT^TT Kill me now. Ugh. And then after that went to get coffee with Kester and came back to school for Math consultation. LOL. Damn shiok, in meeting room xD Hahahaha. Then met up with Peiqi, ate my lunch, "studied" for a bit and then just entirely lost focus so we just went home (x Hahahaha, but going back to my grandmother's place doesn't even make any difference because it's impossible to study there .__. Moreover, now there's my uncle and his family (and the 3 month old baby!) so it's really like, over-crowded D: Aish, the baby has grown so much and now it makes lots of other noises other than crying :') Yay, I love kids ahahahaha.

>> Wednesday: Nothing much hahahahaha, just another boring day spent on studying and that would be what I'd be doing again today == Sian. Seriously damn freaking sian. 

Got a new book! "The Time Keeper" by Mitch Albom (: His books are super good :DD But the thing is that you need a lot of patience to read his books because his stories takes time to digest and understand and they're not as simple as it sounds or action-packed. It's not boring, but you just need to read it uninterrupted and slowly (x Haha, halfway into the book and I felt that the book was a bit scary because of all the incomprehensible things that were happening :/ But it's a really really really good book and I'm proud to say that I'm done with the book! Hahahahahaha. 

"Writing is a highly elusive and ambiguous skill". WELL SAID. Hahaha.

Maybe the dark days are over? And the grey clouds are gone?

Davichi's videos. I don't know why but they're just so amazing.

Anyway, tomorrow would ALMOST mark the end of CT1 :DD Hahahaha all the best to everyone for Math 2 and to the Bio students for Bio paper! * U * JIAYOU and good luck!! 

I don't see where I'm going wrong.
