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Way Out
If you ever loved somebody, put your hands up. And now they're gone and you wishin' you could give them everything.
Monday, April 29, 201311:38 PM

"Is your heart taken? Is there somebody else on your mind?"

Theoretically speaking, I could have finished my Math revision and then go off to bed early since tomorrow is slack day where there is only one subject and after that it'd be break (x BUTTTTTTTT, old habits die hard, even if I've accomplished everything and go to sleep early, I'd still feel like the largest slacker on Earth. So...I'm going to resume studying Math only at 12 (x "Sleeping early before a math paper" has obviously been long thrown out of the window because I can really safely say that after 10 years of being in school, it doesn't matter whether I sleep at 10 or at 2 O___O

Official start to common tests! (: How was it for everyone? Hahahaha. *awkwardly asking questions where no one can answer* Went to school early today to deliver my wang wang hahaha and notes (: Thank you Keane for helping!! 8) Yeppp. LA was okay lol. Just that there were suddenly loads and loads of EXPLAIN questions :o Whyyyyy hahahaha. So hard .__. And all two marks D: (11:11 now!) LOL. Chinese was just plain...screwedness -.- I mean, honestly, what's with all the cheeeem passages and questions o.o And the questions were so vague! D: Can't even tell what they're asking for TT^TT Dieeeee.

Lit, officially the last paper of the day~ LOL, Mr Emmanuel was our invigilator and the way he speaks literally goes like this: "youarenotallowedtohaveanyunauthorizedmaterialsorcommunicationdeviceswithyou *breathes* ifyoudopleasepassthemtomenow". Then he'd look around and say, "noneokaygood". LOL OMG and his voice...!!! So monotonous!! Hahahaha. And he wrote on our board, "May the odds be in your goblet of fire good luck" or something along that line :3 hahahahaha (Y) Lit was generally okay hahaha, but I felt like I didn't know what the shit I was writing *___* And at the end, my hand just d-i-e-d ==

Then went to meet Peiqi and Geena and then crapped then they left and then I started studying hahahaha.

Feeling so insignificant to you right now. I feel like something needs to happen before you even care.

Was randomly thinking about how I'm actually generally a good kid as I walked back home today xD See uh: I don't drink, though I would love to try. I don't smoke. I don't do drugs. I study, not hard but at least I do. I go to school. I go for tuition. I go for piano lessons. I do my work most of the time. I attend CCA. I am not in a relationship (nothing wrong with this tbh, just classifying this under being a good kid, doesn't mean being in one is a bad kid okay!!!). I don't get into serious discipline cases. I go home everyday. I don't stay out late unnecessarily. I don't steal. I don't own a tumblr/blog/twitter account/ask.fm/qq/weibo etc etc etc etc to slander others (lol). I cut my nails, cut my hair. I SHOWER. See, generally a good kid. Okay, I can't think of anymore :/ #random

I really need you by my side. I need you to look out for me, ask about me, care for me, cheer me on and just be there.

Alright, need to get down to business TT^TT GOODBYEEEEEEEEEE.

me (: