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Way Out
And I broke down crying, was she worth this mess? After everything and that little black dress? After everything I must confess: I need you.
Saturday, April 27, 201312:41 AM

"Don't say we're not meant to be..."

Technically, it's a good morning to everyone (x Hahahaha. Little confession of the day: I'm addicted to the typing sound the keyboard makes (((: Anyone else shares this addiction ;D

I would rate today a 6.5/10 hahahaha. The other 3.5 points disappeared because of how I'm feeling now but that's besides the point (: Speech day was kind of okay (: Took Geena's car to school and then we went to register. Had to get checked by the teachers standing at the doors of the music atrium if our attire was appropriate enough to go on stage xD Ms Lim was like, 勉强让我们过关 HAHAHA. The waiting for the official thing to start was the longest and most boring thing everrrrrr .___. Went on stage, shake random distinguished guest's hand, bow in front of everyone and then went back to my seat. Initially I wanted to upload a photo here but I'm just too lazy == Oh oh and there were performances by SH dance, JH EDS and Choir (: All the pretty people~ And woah, EDS's dance was really really very good and meaningful (: No wonder they got distinction this year 8D

Dragged Geena to Nex with me and we just spent some time sitting at the top floor of Nex eating sogurt and doing what we do best: LEPAK (Y)(Y)(Y) OHH and there was a new flavour - Nutella flavour (x It's like eating frozen nutella hahahahahaha GENIUS * U * 

Went home to change and stuff and went to meet Jamie and Zenghan at Plaza Singapura 8) P.S. is like seriously the last place I actually would like to go on a normal basis but circumstances made me do so u__u Then walked to Fort Canning Park to find Chianhao and his girl friends (LOL) because they saved us some space on their mat ahahahaha. AWKWARDDD (x Hahaha. The play was kind of good, even though there was a lot of talking but c'mon, it's a frigging play (: Plays are mostly made up of words >< Hahaha. I'm glad I went for it HAHA. Everything was fine even though there were really awkward moments but hmm, I shall overlook them :B

Sworn to abstain from fast food for at least 6 months just last last week but I've already failed by consuming a burger + fries + coke. OMGGGG, how to work away all the calories!?!?!?! ):< Angry with myself.

I really don't want to care about what you think anymore because at the end of the day, you'd definitely think others better than me so why should I bother pleasing you? I've finally realised that whatever I do, it'd never be enough for you. It will never satisfy your greed. Right from the start, I already knew it was a losing battle for me, but for you, I still carried on. Now that I'm growing weary, I've decided to give everything up.

Just give them everything they want. As long as they're happy, that's enough. 

Goodbye everyone and all the best to the upcoming common tests (:
