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Way Out
Hey, we can stay forever young
Tuesday, April 23, 201311:01 PM

"For now, forever..."

Hellooo. Just wanted to say that Cher Lloyd is really pretty hahaha (x

Started the day with my 3 rounds around the track. Wanted to call it my 1.2km run because to me it sounds like a huge feat but to others, it just sounds like...pathetic xD So I shall stick to calling it "3 rounds around the track". This time, Geena and Peiqi ran with me even though it wasn't planned lol. It just so happened that Peiqi had PE shirt and Geena didn't know if there was footdrill today (because no phone :DDD). Yep. Math was first and I was really happy that I got full marks for the first time for one of the pop quiz! Seriously. My first time since year 1 ahahahaha (x Someone please pop some champagne for me please~ But then the second quiz was returned to us and I didn't do as well .__. I nearly failed lololol. How ironic. And tomorrow would be our Math 2 time trial but I really don't feel like touching any Math today D:

PE! Slack slack slack because NAPFA is over 8) Haha, as usual, Mr Ang just threw us in the table tennis room to play table tennis O__O What's the point of playing table tennis every lesson lol. MEHH whatever hahaha. And then was recess (:

LA. I think the topic now on Science & Technology is really really interesting 8D Like honestly, it's much better than learning about "can we believe everything that we read?" and media and whatever we did last term - I can't remember. And unfortunately we didn't get to watch the video about gene technology in humans ): Oh well. I think gene tech is probably interesting and cool to investigate and stuff, and when used appropriately and suitably, it brings good effects as well as help people. But when humans try to play god and screw up people or even animal lives, then that really needs to be put to a stop. Even though I'm not a fan of animals but still...!!! Sometimes, humans are just too selfish. And everything we do, we want to benefit ourselves. Tsk.

Lit was the last period and we did the gallery walk for our R&J book covers :DD It was kinda fun to just be in the Black Box hahaha n___n And some covers were really really really good! And ours really paled in comparison to theirs D: Haha, we had fun making it and that's all that matters ^^ And then, we exercised the basics of all lit students - crapping xD So we had to explain our design to the class and this is where you literally see everyone unleashing their "reasonable bullshit" power ahahahahahaha.

Anyway, so I was reading, or rather, re-reading The Perks Of Being A Wallflower and it's such a phenomenal book. I mean, there are many phenomenal books which have already been out here for a really long time but just that no one notices them until they somehow get really famous. Like, The Hunger Games? I mean, I've heard of it when I just started off in secondary school, but it only got really famous last year. Hmm. Anyway, back to Perks, how do you actually be a wallflower? I mean, I get it that he just rambles on and on about what he sees in his daily lives, and somehow gets emotionally tangled up in things that don't even involve him, and he's always just understanding things without even being in their shoes. I wonder, how do you even do that?

I used to have different personalities. Like, I wasn't mentally unsound or I had some obsession with having split personalities or anything. Just that, when I was younger, I felt like I had to "allocate" different parts of my personality to people. Meaning that I wouldn't be 100% me in front of anyone. Whatever I had to offer to people, it was just part of the entire story. I don't know why. Perhaps it's just that I felt that I had to act differently in front of different people. But now that I'm older (and not definitely more matured xD) I think I really don't see the need to do so anymore. And besides, I don't even have time to think about what kind of person would I want to portray to people. It all just comes and goes like how it was meant to be. And I kind of want to thank myself for that because it's so tiring to be so many different people and I can safely say that whatever I do in front of anyone, that would be what I'd do to anyone, anywhere, any time.

Hurt, but I don't want to think about you.

I tell you things because I trust you, not because I had nothing better to do. But time after time, you just prove to me why I should probably keep them all to myself.

I wish sometimes people would just appreciate my thoughts and not cast it away as merely overthinking.

Alright, shall venture into the dangerous traps of YouTube ;)))
