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Way Out
You and I are a story that never gets told.
Monday, May 6, 201311:06 PM

"I'll never get to hold you..."

Hello everyone (: It's currently 10:38PM as I'm typing and I'm just hoping that I have the self-discipline to sleep soon .__. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow~ Kind of having mixed feelings now. Like, half of me is happy that I finished packing in less than an afternoon (#achievementunlocked) and that it's gonna be funnnn (.______.) but the other half of me just wants to nua in bed and never get up tomorrow morning because it'd be an arduous 5 days ahead :/ UGHHH, I'm out of my comfort zone!!! This is way out of my "league"!!! (x

Today marks the end of CT 1 :DDD I mean, yeah, I screwed up chemistry (as expected) and I'd just have to brace myself to get walloped by Ms Tay when I get back for tuition == But in any case, hell is over (: And clapclapclap, everyone clap your hands for the end of it * U * Did my handover with Vinnie after that and it was okay I guess (: I think I was like rambling a lot hurhur I'm sorry Vinnie I was just being crazy (x And then lepak-ed around in school and went to meet my mum at Somerset @313 L.L Was early so I set at the benches like a hobo and just "studied" lololol. #judged Then we went to eat good stuff because she felt like it and we had Jap food and after I ate I just literally exploded because the portion was too big ==

And then went shopping with her and it was so frustrating. This is going to sound very bimbotic but I think my mum and I have very different preferences on clothes. And so we would never agree on anything. She finds clothes for me and I tell them I don't like them. So she gets annoyed and asks me to choose on my own. I find stuff that I want and she tells me they're not nice. So I get annoyed and just shove them back on the rack. And when we finally find something we both like in common, I look at the price and tell her it's too expensive and she says it's okay BUT she starts picking on the material and the quality and everything else so we end up not buying that anyway. See what I mean?

Anddd for the next few days, whether I like it or not, I'd be off at OBS. So home would be more quiet without me and I'm sure my mum would appreciate that a lot (x In any case, pray for good weather and that everyone would be able to stay healthy and safe and well throughout the long long camp! And of course, for everyone to have a fun and enriching experience (: 5 DAYS. Away from civilisation, good food, WiFi, big comfy bed, pillows, blankets, TV and everything ))): HANG IN THERE. (sounding like an annoying brat I'm sorry)

Would just like to take this moment to thank God for everything that has been going on and for anything. Not to ask of anything from You, but to thank You for always being there.

Life's just never fair. Sometimes we get the people we want, sometimes we don't, and sometimes we lose them altogether.

It just doesn't make sense that when I can give my everything for you, you'd turn and leave me hanging when you just "feel like it".

Alright, goodbye~ Gonna worry about other stuff xD
