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Way Out
#nowplaying Mirrors by Justin Timberlake
Saturday, May 11, 201311:30 PM

"It sure felt nice when he was holding my hand..."

HELLO (: I'm back from camp! Hahahaha. I fell asleep for three hours after bathing omgggg can't believe I was just so tired :/ And I just when to bring my clothes to wash after adding this whole shitload of washing powder and I can't bring myself to hang them up to dry ): UGHH. And then there's another load to wash because when my dad's away, my mum doesn't do the laundry .__."

Camp was awesome~ And it's all because of my group I guess (: HELLO COLUMBUS! I don't know what to say, it's so unlike me to feel so much for things like this because we were only together for a little while and five days ain't such a long time. Still, I'll see you guys around school and I guess that's enough for me haha, like just seeing you guys and saying hi and then remembering all the friendships, be it new or old, that we forged (: I'm glad I got to know some of you because you guys were really great watchmates and I'm glad that we were in the same watch. Nothing was possible without any of you! And like what our instructor did, tearing our group's paper and saying it's the end of Columbus, I'm sure all of us felt that "...oh no" feeling but all good things must come to an end D: Nevertheless, thank you all for giving me such a remarkable experience!

OBS was just crazy. "Crazy" just sums it all up (x Everyone said that the 5 days flew by super fast but I personally thought that it was really long D: Hahaha, maybe it's just that I wasn't prepared for OBS .__. In any case, I must say I enjoyed myself and it was a really enriching experience (: I'm glad I didn't skip it or anything 8) LUCKILY HAHA. I won't talk about the entire camp because I honestly can't remember all the details but anyway, I have have have to jot down all the things I will remember:

1. Land Expedition. Oh my, I think I was already holding one of the lighter backpacks. Like, it only consisted of one tent and it's groundsheet, and two jerrycans. As compared to other people carrying their personal things and all that, I guess it was kind of light already. BUT I felt like I was some camel D: I couldn't even walk straight, let alone trek with it. We walked and walked and walked like crazy far and it's just insane. Along the walk because Yixin's legs are so much longer and she just took off to the front so I was walking with Camillus and he seems so effortless in walking with that freaky 10+kg backpack while I was practically going to kiss the ground because I was bending over so much. After touring almost the entire Pulau Ubin we finally reached our campsite (: Hahahaha. Insane "road trip" with all the mosquitoes that attack in hoards and how my bag got attacked by giant red ants TT^TT And omg, the games! How can I forget! (x My favourite one was the rock game (: It's like, you have a rock in one hand and you can only use one hand and you throw the rock to the person on your right and you catch the rock using the same hand from the person on your left * U * It was really fun and amusing hahahahaha (x Especially at how Li En raged omgggg xD And then there was Jinqi, Yixin, me and George and calling ourselves the perfect row because we could all catch it, and screwing it up right after we said it (x Jinx.

2. Random campsite in the middle of nowhere. This is by far the most ulu place I've seen o___o Like honestly, what the shit is this campsite? There isn't even a freaking single light in the entire place ): When we got there we dumped our bags somewhere and covered it with a sheet to keep it dry (it was raining!) and then we went to hide in our tents. We wet the entire tent with our rain water and we were practically sitting in a pool of water in the tent L.L After that, George suddenly came and told Yihui that the food bag was infested with ants and sure enough, many of our bags were infested with them but thank God Yixin and mine was safe :D Even though we had food too. So the guys went to get rid of the ants and started rummaging through the bag and they found the reason of all the misery: PEANUT BUTTER. HAHAHA, super funny. They were like "wanna bet wanna bet, it's because of this thing" and then they opened it and found all the ants crawling inside and so they just threw it to the ground and started "omg!"-ing hahahaha (x And we had some briefing for the next day's sea expedition and they made us sit at some random space in the middle of the "road". Halfway through, some police car just came flying towards us and the 40 odd of us just scrambled like ants off the ground sheet omg hahahahahahahaha xD

3. Cooking dinner by the sea. This was dinner at the random campsite (: Hahahaha, there were no bricks or anything so we had to dig a hole to start our fire using solid fuel 8) And then it was super epic because we couldn't see what we were cooking because it was too dark (x And Jinqi just randomly announced that he had to shit omgggggg xDD And so the entire time was just spent being damn angst because there was not enough time to cook and stuff and everyone was just shoving maggie mee into their mouths ((x And then because it was at night, the tide was coming up and two of our three fires were at risk. Can you imagine the chaos O___O HAHAHA. Aish. Most memorable dinner ever.

4. Kayaking/sea expedition! This is honestly one of the highlights of the camp (: We woke up at some random time like 5AM or something to pack our things and unpitch all tents to get ready for the sea expedition. Set off at around 7:40AM and we just paddled around like mad. I think we went around the island .__. Paired up with Yixin and how we suck at kayaking omggg hahahaha. And I was some burden because I had no strength and I just couldn't get the kayak to go in the right direction and we kept banging into other kayaks u___u SORRY. Then there were these two guys who pissed us off because every time they knocked into us, they would "tsk" at us and "walao" at us and then they keeeeeeeeeeeeep thinking it was our fault when they obviously suck at kayaking too == So we devised this competition and during the last 1/3 of the journey we just kept racing against them (x HAHAHA, super crazy omgggg. And plus the waves were insanely choppy so it was like riding a roller coaster :DDD Then people were just thinking we were some joke because those two guys didn't even know we were racing with them luh ((((x It's all in our heads ahahaha. But kayaking for 7-8 hours straight is no joke. I think I grew muscles. 

5. Trust Dive (: We did this in place of Jetty Jump because my group didn't want to get wet ;) Hahaha. We were supposed to think of our goal/dream and then let it all out by leaping for this bell that's hanging there and then you'll land on the groundsheet (x 

6. Last dinner with the watch (: Super memorable hahahaha. Only had 1 hour to prepare our meal and we had to present it too 8) And it was crazy how we chionged all the things 8) And everyone was damn annoyed at Camillus because he insisted on cabbage soup omgg hahahahahahaha xD LOLOLOL. 

Anyway, I'm glad that I'm back because I miss my comfort zone a lot. I'm currently crawling back to it like some boss ahahahahaha (x Laugh at me please.

"It's not like you didn't know that
I said I love you and I swear I still do
And it must have been so bad
'Cause living with me must have damn near killed you"

I really wonder if everything you ever told me were all just lies because now I'm really just doubting myself so so so much. Everyday I look at myself and just ask myself what made you say all those things and if I'm just living in a world of lies. You've obviously left what you didn't want behind but I haven't fixed myself and I'm still as pathetic as I used to be. 

He's just gonna get you into a system and then break you from the inside.

Alright, it's late ): Need to hang the clothes!!

me (: