Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.
Friday, May 31, 20131:15 AM
"Why does it feel so good but hurt so bad?"
Feels like a long time since I blogged. Can't even remember when was the last time D:
Anyway, today (yesterday...?) has been a good day (: Hahaha, lessons weren't all that bad and we continued to watch movie after our LA test 8) Aw man, but that was the last LA lesson TT^TT Oh well. Then went to take a photo with Ms Yeo because today was the last time she'd be taking our class and after she said a lot of sweet stuff to our class hahaha, we decided to take a photo with her (x Lazy to upload it here but it was a pretty epic photo I guess xD LOL, goodbye Ms Yeo! We'll definitely miss all your angsty mood on our scripts and your doodling all over our paper :') That's certainly something Mrs Vora will never ever do D: Hope to see you soon I guess * U *
After that had SMC session to run through last training plans again ;) And then went off to grab lunch and chiong for tuition. Missed the bus and so I had to do pathetic bus-hopping ): I took 5 stops down on 196, counted wrongly so had to run to the right bus stop to catch 14 FINALLY. Thought I would be really late but I was only 5 minutes late BUT the tuition teacher was even later .___. So ended up only starting lesson at around 4PM O__O Lesson was okay I guess, but I was very very very insanely sleepy u___u She dismissed me 5 minutes earlier and so I began my bus-hopping again as I went 3 stops on bus 10 and then boarding a 14 FINALLY AGAIN and then rushing to school because I promised to be back for last comptrain ;D And yessir I made it! They were doing toc (: Hehehehehe. Felt really really really nostalgic to be back with those kids * U * And then Meihwa bought them drinks, and we concluded today with Dactyl cheer :DDD Hahahaha, some traditions never die~ Any old/ex/ancient Dactyl members if you're reading this just note that we're still doing all the lame things you guys did because that's the way we were brought up hahaha. And to all future members of Dactyl, please don't forget all the weird things we did (or maybe they're normal in your eyes xD) and pass them on to the future generations alright! ^^ Goodddd day :D Then went home with Chua n___n Can't wait for last training tomorrow!! C:
And of course, I like to do dedications (but I will refrain from grandmother stories because that's what POP is for ;D):
1. To warriors. I typed this long long long text on whatsapp to you guys in hopes that it'd revive the chat that has been dead since the beginning of April buuuuuuuut Pengfei said thanks and then went to prepare his DS stuff (good luck bro) and Keane didn't even reply at all ))))): But it's okay! At least I know you guys read it (hopefully) (: In any case, like what I said in my text, this is the end of keane + pengfei + ying ): And I'm sad because of the end. It's really the last time tomorrow that we're going to stand in front of our squad, do the awkward kebelakangs during dressing of squad during first/last parade, taking attendance for the squad, checking their uniforms for them, calling up random people and just secretly having our own private joker moments when we're just hobo-ing around, going around SMCs to look at trainings etc etc etc. The list of things that are our lasts for tomorrow goes on and on and on. Just wanted to say that, it's been an honour working with you guys especially for training times because that's the second hardest thing we had to go through. What's the first? ;) In any case, I really really really am going to miss all these little things. Thank you warriors and I hope we all remember our warrior stone and our unfortunately stinky warrior wood HAHAHA ('X
2. SMC 2. Omg. I don't even know what to say. Are we really going to never be able to work together ever again? D: But that's the saddest thing ever!! I'm sure most of us or almost all of us didn't want to be in this SMC in the beginning, and we were probably unwilling to take the cadets. But seeing how we've progressed for the past year, I really want to thank each and every one of you guys. You guys have shown me how much you wanted the kids to learn from our training time and how you guys have tried your best to be the best of your abilities. I know we've all had our conflicts and issues, but I'm glad that I have a SMC who doesn't harp on these little faults and would rather ignore them and move on to think of more ways to improve ourselves and our cadets. Really. Thank you to our dear Lau who has been heading everything all the way and sacrificing the most to do up and perfect our training reports, as well as Peiqi, Chua, Jingyi, Samantha, Elaine, Soong, Zhiyik, Dion and Desmond (: And of course all the ex SMC instructors we went over to SMC 1 side, you will always be part of SMC 2 (: I think I'm really very lucky to be able to work hand in hand with all of you. SMC 2.........WHOOSH!!!
3. Squad. I'll leave all my sappy crap for POP but just a short note, EVERYTHING WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE WITHOUT ANY OF YOU. Please know that!!! Hahahaha, enjoy your last training guys, and enjoy whatever freedom gives after that ;)
4. Standard 2s. Where does this leave us now hmm? Oh well, I'm really going to miss you guys so much, every one of you, whether you've been outspoken or quiet or annoying or noisy or pon-ning or anything, but you guys...I can't believe how much you've made me want to do for all of you. I'll leave my talking for POP as well because I don't think I can type everything here but honestly, I hope that all of you remember what we taught you guys. Doesn't matter if you guys don't like us or won't even bother remembering us because what we came to do was to impart what we knew to you, and we hope you'll do the same for YOUR cadets when you guys leave (:
Alright, too much emotions here. GOODBYE~ Time for homework TT^TT
me (: