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Way Out
She said goodbye.
Saturday, March 30, 201312:11 AM

"Dancing in the moonlight..."

Day 26: What kind of person attracts you.
LOLOLOL, I don't know why but people always say that I'm daaaaaamn superficial and I only look at people's face though it's not very true (eheheheheheheheheh) but if you look like this:
Sorry if I get a picture of him from Tumblr I'd take ages so I decided to just go to Youtube and screencapt my favourite scene :DDD

But recently he's gained a lot of weight OTL
LOL, okay enough of my crap (x But in any case, as long as you're nice and friendly and not too serious (aw c'mon who doesn't like a funny guy) and you like kids and you can play some instrument and you can tolerate my shitty behaviour and personality, then yeah... And I guess not anyone can tolerate my bullshit (AHAHAHA) and my temperamental behaviour (AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA x100) so yup (: 

Day 27: A problem that you have had.
Well, problems that I had are actually still problems that I have I guess. Nothing much changes for me so these problems still stay as problems. Umm I guess I have issues with myself all the time, like I don't satisfy my expectations and other problems such as work related problems and people-people related problems. 

Day 28: Something that you miss.
I think everyone misses being a kid again. I mean, I'm definitely still a kid mentally but I just miss being physically and purely a kid. And being ALLOWED to behave like one. Nowadays everyone just expects you to behave and think like your age and when you don't, it's almost like the end of the world in people's eyes. It's like, I guess everyone just wants to hold on to that privilege we had as a kid, where we would just cry and throw tantrums and then things would miraculously go your way without even lifting a finger. Like, just be stubborn and throw some weight around and things would work out. Unlike now, where you've got to literally fight to get things done the way you want it to be. And I didn't know growing up would mean facing the real world more and more each day and thinking about how it was being a kid, I certainly didn't know the world could be like this. All the competition, all the hate etc. I'm sure there are good things like nice people, beautiful things and I'm grateful I found them but I just wish that the good things would significantly outnumber the ugly. It's like just how they say about being a kid again because "scraped knees hurt less than broken hearts".

Day 29: Goals for the next 30 days.
Oh oh oh actually why not call it one month hahaha. Anyway, I'd like to honestly catch up on my school work because of how involved and busy I've been with competition training for the past 3 months (x But........comp train is starting again soon...! Hahaha stoked but also a bit hesitant as CTs are coming .___. Oh well. JIAYOU ME!

Day 30: Your highs and lows of this month.
(Aw man, I've reached the end of this D:) Highs were definitely fun stuff like NA related things and sometimes squad related stuff and sometimes warrior related stuff (I don't know why we're still called warriors though because it's obvious we've given up but anyway D:) and mayyyyyybe standard twos related stuff (: Lows were like, I don't know...too many and too broad scaled for me to actually describe them ;)


Good Friday! (: Thank You LORD for this day and all other days and especially the day You died on the cross for our sins, so that we can be closer to our Heavenly Father (: Thank You for everything you've given to us: our lives, our family, our friends; they serve as an emblem of Your love. Even though I haven't been a good kid and being devoted to serving and reading Your word, I still want to thank You for blessing me in every way! (:

Family came over today (: And my auntie brought my baby cousin along! :DDD Aw man, so cute~ Hahahahaha I love kids 8) Can't wait for her to grow up :') 

Today was a boring day, sorry, nothing much to say LOLOLOL.

meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee * U *