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Way Out
I can't help it if you look like an angel.
Monday, March 25, 201311:09 PM

"Stand by me..."

Day 25: Someone who fascinates you and why.
Hmm, honestly speaking, I don't find anyone in particular very interesting or fascinating .___. I think I fascinate myself the most, period. It's like I do things and then maybe an hour later, I'd be just "wow...I can't believe I said/did/thought that" and it isn't like I find myself stupid or anything. And it still amazes me every single time that happens.

Day 1 of Term 2 TT^TT What a horrible day O___O I used to be super scared to go back to school when I was in primary school and I guess it's because in primary school when you forget to do your homework, you're literally DOOMED. And you can't exactly do anything about it except to pray really hard your teacher doesn't collect it today or something. But nowww, you can actually "meh" at your homework and you don't have to be afraid that there's no time to chiong your homework ;) So I wasn't very scared to go back to school because of all my undone homework (-.-), but rather a bit restless that the break was far too short and I decided I haven't gotten enough of it. Aw man D: So fast and we're back to school ):

The day was fine...I'm just being an annoying brat and ranting because I was so tired throughout the day and the frequently asked question to myself was "WHY AM I EVEN IN SCHOOL". Forgot so many many many concepts and I felt like I was just floating through lessons == This is bad. I think my name is first on the teacher's list when it comes to remedial oh ho ho ho.

No comptrain today because we're taking a long break 8) Feels kind of weird but relieved over the "rest" (: Had CMC meeting and yeahhhhh, nothing much to say about it. 

I really really really want to thank Jiarong for saying such nice stuff to me on Tumblr :') I know you'd probably never get to read this (unless you still frequent my blog :O) but I just wanted to shout out to the world what an awesome friend you are (: It's like, we don't talk much now but you're still there for me when I least expected anyone to do so. I thought I was just being stupid and ranting but thank you for everything you've said (: It means so much to me and it really made my day. Thank you so so so much.

Even the strongest feels weak sometimes. 

It's so easy to lose hope and I really want to get over it because it's not in my nature to bring today's sorrow on to tomorrow's possible happiness. In any case, I want to give it a closure for myself that people change all the time so I shouldn't be surprised or hurt. And expectations bring about disappointment ALL THE TIME. Never does it give you satisfaction. Even when you expect things from you and you alone. Last point, humans are selfish creatures. Even me. And I'm ashamed of that. 

That's all for the day~ Finished chionging my part for chemistry project and feeling quite happy * U * 

me (: