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Way Out
Sunday, March 24, 20135:50 PM

"When a man’s in love, he wants to stay by your side, there’s always so much he wants to do for you. When I’m in love, I want to give everything in my life to you, with just one expectation, your heart."

LOLOLOL, I'm back again (:

Day 21: One of your favourite shows.
Shut Up Flower Boy Band ahahahaha (x

Day 22: How have you changed in the past 2 years?
I didn't physically grow much DD: Mentally, most of the time I still go back to being a kid but other than that I've grown up pretty much :D

Day 23: Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.

Day 24: Your favourite movie and what it's about.
Hmm, I have a few I guess. Spiderwick ;) Just some creepy kids show ahahaha :DDDD

Here is a personal account of the happenings of yesterday through the eyes of meeeeee: Yesterday was Zone Comp and I'm glad that it ended relatively well :DD Our second and last zone comp and we finally got fantastic results from it (: I cannot I cannot I cannot~ Early in the morning at 9:30AM met up with the team and Xiner at Tampines to buy brunch C: Then headed to Tampines Sec and AC and NC were already there (x Just sat there and chionged cards and stone and gay (: Competition is really a time to write cards and receive cards, give presents and receive them as well (: Thank you to all those who wrote us cards, bought us food, bought us flowers (LOLOLOL), gave us presents and stuff (: Greatly appreciated! Had emotional talk with mentors after changing into uniform and they gave us our cards and gifts as well! And Ma'am Rongying's mum made us honey lemon drink * U * Ahahaha. After all the cheers as a CTC family, we grabbed all our barang barang (which was really a lot) and then went to fall in at the parade square.

As usual, they took donkey years to get ready but it was better than last year because last year was really very very very very hot and delayed 8( Haha. Geena went to get her number tag and coincidentally we got NA 4! ^^ The number that we wanted (: Uniform check. And then Phileon went to shit halfway (WTH) as usual -.- LOLOLOL. 

This year, we were definitely more chill than last year. And instead of just sitting down in the waiting room and start eating, we read our cards and then started mugging (: We waited really long for our first segment and thank God it was home nursing (: I mean, home nursing is definitely our suckiest component and we just wanted to get it over and done with (x We had the shock of our lives when the scenario card wrote that we only had 15 minutes because we were told during the briefing that it was 20 minutes long :/ So we chionged like mad when actually the time keeper gave us 20 minutes xD WE ENDED ON TIME!!!! #achievementunlocked ahahaha (/ /U/ /) Still, there were hiccups here and there .___. The gauze we taped to the leg fell off when the patient got off the bed O__O And I wasted a new dressing pack to get the gauze because I didn't see they provided gauze == The comments given by the judge wasn't very clear whether it was good or not so we just brushed it off and returned to the waiting room.

Footdrill. Ahhh, let's not go into detail because I hate that I screwed up oh gawd.

First-aid. This was the component last year that left us scarred for a really long time because of how fail it was last year. So we went in certainly feeling quite jittery but of course, still maintaining our calmness because it's not good to enter case feeling flustered. Geena sent me to do crowd control and I just felt positively retarded and stupid because there was NO ONE THERE asdfghjklmao. And our corps was giving me the "o___o" look so I didn't know if it was a good move. But now I know why they looked like that because other teams didn't do that (x Oh well. Went into case and silently thanked all the lucky stars above that there were only two casualties so that Lau and I would end up together :DD The case went smoothly, to our surprise and the judges looked happy (: This year was really very different. No guailan casualties, no guailan passersby, no guailan judges. Don't know what went wrong in the peoples' heads last year -.- YAY. Went back to waiting room feeling a million times better but still doubtful because we thought that we would miss out something and stuff. Kept asking the casualty (his name is Chang Jun!) throughout the case if he was very very sure he didn't feel pain anywhere else but he just kept saying no. I think he thought of me as annoying xD

In the end, we got first and we'll be proceeding on to Nat Comp (: I'm sure Nat Comp would be a million times more difficult than Zone Comp because we'd be facing other schools and all the champions of their zones D: Thinking about it just makes me wonder how we're going to go about winning it but I have faith in my team :DDD Hopefully, this year would be a miracle year, like how it was to AA last year when Phileon turned the wrong way during TOC...and they ended up winning best in TOC (x 


To my team: 
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU x100000000 You don't know how grateful I am to you guys and thanks for just being there. I already sent you guys an appreciation text so I shall keep this short (:

To the other teams: 
GOOD JOB WELL DONE, all I need to say, I've said yesterday (: So yup, this shall be short too.

I'm. So. Happy.

SCREWED because there's school tomorrow but I haven't completed anything.
