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Way Out
Take a deep breath.
Tuesday, February 12, 20131:10 AM

"I'll catch you, I'll catch you..."

Hello hello hello (: 

>> Yesterday: Day 1 of CNY (: Hahahaha. Took one and a half hours to get ready trolololol I don't even know why .__. Went to my grandmother's place like every year to have lunch. My cousin unfortunately had a fever so she didn't get to join us D: Quite sad because she'd be returning to Australia in a few days time TT^TT Aish, another 2 years until she's officially back ): Yepp. So it was just me and my sister, left to entertain each other. Oh well, visiting wasn't THAT bad this year except for those awkward times when:
1) People forget my name. I don't blame them since they only see me once a year but oh well, if I were them I'd just pretend I could remember.
2) People tell me that I've to work hard this year. No, I don't want to and no, I'm supposed to work hard every year.
3) People tell my father that in a few years time they would be receiving wedding invitations. Oh goodness gracious me. In a few years I would be barely 20 and you want a wedding invitation? Not gonna happen.
4) People ask me if I have a boyfriend. Moments like these, I really wish Asians wouldn't attempt to be more westernized and expect such things to happen. But if you would really like to know, no.
5) People don't even see me at all and ask my mum where I am when I'm right next to her. Hello people, didn't see you guys all around too.
6) People stand too close to me. I'm sorry, I'd really like to stand up when you give me my angbao or when I wish you happy new year but you're just standing too near!!!

That was my day 1 lololol. And Instagram was just spammed with everyone's #ootd and #selfie and "with my baby cousin!" and "food" and "with my auntie's dog" and lots of other stuff when I just felt so self-conscious about everything lololol (x And guys, ONE SELFIE IS ENOUGH. Please don't post 100. Even if you're freaking pretty, it becomes an eyesore after a while. Trust me. Was dead tired when I reached home but still managed to finish my running man (:

>> Today: Woke up really late -.- Hurhur. I was glad that there wouldn't be much visiting today because I don't visit a lot of people from my mum's side. So today's clothes were more of comfort clothes * U * Aw man I love comfort clothes. Comfort clothes are like...t-shirts and shorts and random stuff that don't require a lot of effort hahahaha. I mean, why would you wear something you don't even feel comfortable in that you have to spend most of your time reminding yourself to adjust it or something!?!? Okay oh well. Then went to my cousin's place to have lunch (: Awesome lunch. And awkwardly, my cousin's cousin stayed over and it was so awkward when he shook hands with me to wish my happy new year and since I'm awkward I didn't say much. Lol. But it was so damn awkward because I haven't seen him in years and when I was a kid, like when I was 6, I kicked him in his OVER THERE because I don't know why. I'm so sorry boss but I was just being stupid. Hope you don't remember that and judge me though KEKEKEKE. Okay, after that, we dumped him at home alone (;D) and went to my great grandmother's place lololol. Had my first soft-drink there (COKE~) and was just guailan-ed there throughout == Trololol alright. The aunties there just get more and more gl as the years go by but that's just how we all roll~

Then went to Nex to grab food for tomorrow since my dad was feeling hospitable and invited his friends over. Ohmytian, all the people I have to entertain tomorrow *___* GAY. And here I am blogging after having instant noodles + salad for dinner :DD

L is just so cute and like a kid kill me now all my feels.

What are you doing to me? I'm going a little crazy.

Sometimes I wish I never let you go because I really really really need you.

Alright, that's all for today~ Hahahaha nothing much anyway == CNY is really just about visiting and eating and getting angbaos and that's about it (: Can't wait for B.A.P's release :DDDDDDD

Goodbye (:

me 8)