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Way Out
I don't want to be alone.
Sunday, February 10, 20131:23 AM

"Somebody that I used to know..."

Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! (: Let's welcome the year of the snake and say farewell to the year of the dragon :D Hahahahaha (x 

Woke up to this and realised that Woolliment is really damn gay and funny hahahaha:

>> Friday: Everyone's favourite day hahahaha. Because it starts late and ends at 1:45PM (: Loooool. Morning footdrill was not bad ;) Hahaha. And then had the checking of nominal roll and Charlotte damn funny xD After she chased the kids away, she was like "GUYS LOOK, I cleared the entire netball court for you guys" hahahahaha so we kinda had it to ourselves for a moment :D LOL, and after footdrill session, our mentors gave us our CNY presents and angbao! Seriously, we have the best mentors ever. Thank you Ma'am Shi Ting, Ma'am Rongying, Ma'am Jaime and Ma'am Diane! (: Seriously, they made us a Home Nursing manual about medical conditions and wrote notes to us and gave us chocolate hahahaha. Charlotte's favourite :3 THANK YOU GUYS, we'll do you guys proud~ 

Lessons were just so blah. Found out who my angel was~ Thank you so so so much 8)

RT was just ridiculous because it was so short lol. Before RT was a mad rush because Sir Kennard wanted to meet all of us. Thought he was going to MIA forever but oh well, Sir Kennard won't leave people like us behind ;D Lolololol. It was raining and being friends with rain, we just walked through the rain from the canteen and Kimbum being Kimbum was trying to act like a boss and walk s l o w l y with that smug expression on his face ROFL omg OTL kill me now. Then Ma'am Yihfang was just like, "快点进来啦!你以为你在拍MV啊!" HAHAHAHA. PT was alright (: New favourite word for Standard Twos would be S-T-A-N-D-A-R-D-S. Go learn the word by heart okay, I'm going to be saying it so much more often now. 

Then had SMC meeting (: I'm deeply saddened by the people who are going to leave us ): Those people who are leaving are really like...you cannot do without them. In the beginning, I was really disappointed because I wanted to take the Standard 3s but looking back, being in this SMC is really the greatest thing possible. Everyone's just so alike that we don't need a lot of discussions to be in sync. And even when we're not in sync, we're still there to take a step back to let each other do their job. It's not the times when we do our "SMC 2 WHOOSH" that shows how thankful we are to be working together with these people, but when we execute our plans and it shows our ideal intentions that we all feel good. Gonna really miss these people ): People like Keane, who is just so gay and always with me and now my warrior is leaving me to another SMC already ): Jiayou okay! (: And then there's Yongli, I don't know what to say...I just don't want her to go because she's too motherly and she's just what we need ): Yihui, omg, aish. Cheryl Low, now all the Cheryls won't be together anymore TT^TT And all the others from our squad going to the new SMC, no matter how is it going to be like, work together and be a good SMC for the new cadets. After all, we're a squad and working together should come as naturally as breathing. Love you guys.

SQUAD TUAN YUAN FAN! Wasn't like a typical tuanyuanfan because everyone was just so damn hungry and just devoured all the pizza hahahaha. And there wasn't enough but it cost $62.20 lolololol. I really don't know how to call delivery. Was just making a fool of myself when I was talking to the pizza guy. Thankful that he didn't rage at me or something lololol. Ying the suaku strikes again!

Family tuanyuanfan after that (: Was glad to be able to catch up with my cousin (:

>> TODAY: Woke up at 10+AM and just felt so damn shiok. Whole day was just a blast. Then cousins came over again for dinner (: Was playing badminton in the house hahahahahaha. And we tried teaching our guy cousin to dance to EXO's History omg epic fail. Especially the one with the pants movement hahahahahahahah retards (x 

Tomorrow would be a long day~

I'm tired of acting like I'm okay. So many times when I just smile and act like I'm not affected by the things they say. Maybe it's because I'm too good at pretending that they think it's real and continue saying things. Really? Like it's going to help me in any way, except for making me feel like shit.

Goodbye, off to watch running man (:

me ;)