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Way Out
but you're so hypnotizing
Wednesday, February 6, 20135:54 PM

"I can see myself unraveling..."

Hello guys :D So I had a bad scare when I spent like half an hour trying to update my blogger and all it just kept telling me that the codes were all wrong and I got so fed up that I just reverted it back to the old blogger. Oh my, old stuff are much easier to use and friendlier, don't you all think so?

Nothing much today :/ Just felt that it was pretty long and weird. I don't like days that end at 3:15 which are actually quite rare compared to people who take 8 units but oh well :B Thank God today wasn't very busy for me but I can foresee myself getting busier by tomorrow because of lots of undone stuff that I've been trying to put off. Bad habit D: Baabaabaa.

Jiayou NA! Mock comp is nearing ;D

Yesterday was a pretty bad day for me. I don't know why but when I'm alone or when I'm at home I become so pathetic. It literally disgusts me but I can't help it. It's like, I was trying to hold myself together and hold all the emotions in in front of people and family but when I'm by myself it's just letting it all out and letting it take over me. I think...and I'm sad to admit, that my mind is this really dark forest and it's so easy to get lost in it. It's like, it's just too easy to lose myself in it. Sometimes I get so caught up in the darkness that I never want to snap myself out of whatever trance I'm in and I just sit on the floor and somehow find pleasure in this darkness. And I'm ashamed of it. I know I'm supposed to be happy and stuff but I can't help it. It's just too hard. And then to make matters worse, I saw some stuff yesterday that I wasn't supposed to see and I just felt so much but so helpless because I couldn't do anything to help. And anyway, he/she would just say I don't understand. I know what you're feeling dear, and it takes so much to push someone off the edge of being sane. I'm so sorry for whatever's happening but please, it's going to get better. I don't know what's happening to me, I need to keep this all under control before they consume me entirely.

Sometimes, I'm glad I'm afraid.

I won't venture that far out. I like how things are now. 

Can't tell you because you'll never look at me the same way again.

Alright, I guess I will try to update more often!! .___. Sigh. LOL. Been too busy for that -.-

me ;)