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Way Out
Wednesday, February 13, 201312:48 AM

Just wanted to say that, I'm sorry if I've ever ever ever offended anyone because of my personality. I've come to learnt that (still am learning) I'm a very selfish person. Doesn't matter how much I've done for anyone; at the end of the day, I'm still a very selfish person. It's not because of reasons of personal gains and such but more of making sure I'm feeling the way I deserve to feel. I can never allow myself to be shortchanged of my feelings. It's just like how I always expect things from others because I gave this much but now I know it's bad to have expectations. I'll do everything I can to protect myself, it doesn't matter if I'm physically or mentally hurt, I just cannot let myself be emotionally hurt. Same goes for when I'm sad, I will only let myself make myself sad and it isn't easy to make me feel better until I give the okay. That's just it. And when I'm angry or sad or anything, it's mostly with myself. It's not that I'm insensitive, if it matters to you, but it just sucks to be the one at the losing end every single time.