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Way Out
Tuesday, February 19, 201311:50 PM

"Life is about moments..."

Hurhurhur. I don't know why I'm wasting my time here. Maybe I should abandon this blog soon and only ressurect it once in a while when I have time -.- All the level tests are making their way into the school term now and I'm oh so scared TT^TT Pffft. It's people with result standards like me (or worse) that fear such things which make us look just damn pathetic. Just a side note, I really cannot stand people who actually get good results but go around telling people they suck. To make matters more repulsive, they tell people who suck more than them that they suck. What. Stupid.

Because of timetable swap, today's the late day :D And yep, footdrill. Much better than usual. It's like Mock Comp just gets everyone and everything going (Y) And then squad footdrill to standardize a few stuff and back to class~ First three periods were free periods because Xielaoshi wasn't there today :3 Well, not entirely free because we had a paper to do O___O Then recess. Can't remember the sequence (sorry I don't know my timetable :B) but Math was just zzz because there was a pop quiz and I was just dying in my seat because I am certain I will fail the quiz. And then the relief teacher just made things worse by making us start on our Logarithm assignment. I mean, c'mon, don't leave me to die on my own please ): I hate Math. Someone banish it from the face of the Earth please. 

After school, had lunch with 3 out of 4 of the birdies and then went to SJ room to do my cleanup. This stupid Kimbum promised to help then gave some lameshit excuse to run away _|_ Lol. Thank you Xiner for coming down~ Was standing on the chair to put up all those trophies that we took down for orientation previously and just realised that some teams are really high achieving teams. Which just makes me really jealous. Then right at the MIDDLE of the shelf (it was supposed to be in a corner but MEH, some things just need to go) is our Zone Comp "trophy" .___. Embarrassing but that was our best last year. Sucks but oh well. Still left with a bit of space on the shelf...so...hope for the best for this year! (:

COMPTRAIN. After I joined back after my health checkup, they were in some senior high classroom and watching our mock comp on the projector. Trololol. Feels really weird to watch yourself on big screen and how you look during case and all those. It's like watching someone else who is actually yourself 8) HOHOHO. Our footdrill was really very very entertaining, like what Sir Peter said. We took it badly the previous time because it just made us sound like circus performers but okay, I think we take it more lightly this time and less literal xD And the mistakes we made...really very very "entertaining" (/ /U/ /) Then case was interesting ;) Honestly. And Home Nursing was like...omg...sucks == I see why we suck at it but how to be gay enough for gay things like Home Nursing :/ Then home sweet home, and today's comptrain was generally good (: This week's comptrains have been really productive and fun (Y) And epic (Y)(Y)(Y)

So stressed up.

Sometimes some people mean so much to you but all you mean to them might just be less than a speck of dust.

There is a difference between genuinely caring and being nosy.

Please let me breathe. Please let me breathe. Everything you do is making me so confused. It's not like you're holding on to tightly but it's not enough for me to feel free.

Alright, time to do other more productive stuff L.L Owing so much work for SJ but seemingly never finding time to do them >< 
