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Way Out
Monday, February 18, 201312:03 AM

"Oh baby, you're so blind..."

Hey there~ Everyone please take some time to admire these things:

>> Friday: The day was pretty short and that's good that's good * U * I can't really remember what happened during school hours because as usual I was just behaving like a zombie -.- Ugh. After that was RT though (: Half-u! (Y)(Y)(Y) Half-u is like the best thing that can happen to you because you can take half the time to change out~ Footdrill assessment first and I guess it went okay and I'm glad it did :D Their drills are okay I guess, but only okay. Not tremendous, considering the time of the year and stuff :/ After that moved on to TOC lessons which I shall not elaborate on because...transition...y'know -.- TOC was funnnn hahaha. TOC is like, the most fun thing in SJ man. If only being in NA doesn't mean doing DSW. I would gladly do TOC and ninja over tables and stuff. So fun as compared to squeezing dry cotton balls of saline TT^TT But oh well, the fun of TOC stops during ____ hahahahaha ;) Went up before TOC with Keane to attend appointment sharing with the Standard 3s (: LOL, Kimbum was begging us to change out before going in because he wanted to close the door lololol some joke. Appointment sharing was just awkward. Had to talk about my departments and Xiner just kept smiling stupidly at me when I talked about PR rofl. Then Keane shared, and our ALL MIGHTY CHAIRPERSON didn't talk but he nagged. Nagged and nagged and nagged. Lol. And Keane and I at first were nodding and agreeing, then it became stoning, then it became looking at the fan and out of the window, then it became looking at each other and mouthing "Pengfei is so naggy" (x AHAHA. After RT the Standard Twos gave NA this flower and bear thing (sorry I don't know what's it called) to wish us luck for all the competitions ahead yay thank you! Then had SMC session with the seniors (Y) And then some stuff happened _|_ And then home home home with Peiqi after Charlotte got off at her stop (: It was just a day of mixed feelings because...it started off so well and it was almost a perfect day until...whatever. Things just don't go right anymore.

>> Saturday: Met up with Peiqi and Charlotte at Mountbatten before going to school. Peiqi had the runs ))): Took Geena's car to school; sure beats taking 158 or walking D: Then first parade. Then uniform and supplies check and OMG LAU WHY YOU STOMACH PAIN. Lol our team forever like that. Last year Lau was out again because she didn't eat (-.-) and we were all shaking and fainting while waiting TSK. Lau if you ever fall out ever again I'm going to deep fry you #justsaying though I've been saying that since forever. Shall not elaborate on Mock Comp because it was really screwed. Really bad. But yes, it's over so we shall not dwell on it any further. After that went for lunch and then went for flag day for like...15 minutes O___O Then did FD dept work with Peiqi ;DD And the guys waited for us! SO NICE. Why (/ /U/ /)

>> Today: Boring day -.- Missed church again because I switched off my alarm and didn't wake up TT^TT Went for lunch with my cousin since she's leaving for Australia later in the night. Went for tuition. It was okay, not too bad ahaha, but so many people absent O___O Lol.

Am I wrong?

Time's supposed to heal everything but it's taking far too long and it's far too painful.

Alright, need to study for first-aid now goodbye cannot screw up anymore.
