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Way Out
And then he grew tired of you
Thursday, February 21, 201311:22 PM

"Close enough..."

HELLO GUYS. Hahahaha. Quite busy now actually but I'm feeling a little annoyed at whatever I'm doing so I decided to just pop around here :/ Wonder when I'd ever get the vanguard sheet done 8(

>> Yesterday: Wednesday == Ended at 3:15PM and I was really unhappy about it x___x Stayed in the canteen with Jamie and later Lau, Charlotte and Geena until 6+ before having the wits to start leaving for NLB trololol. Thankfully finished my homework and it was super fun planning POP speech with Geena~ Look forward to it okay guys! I have lots and lots of things to say * U * Heehee. Made it just in time for the play (Y) And I'm glad I went to watch The Crucible because it was so good I felt it totally just made my day feel 1000 times better (: Hahahaha. They had super simple props of crates but the props could move omg o___o And there was this scene where they made dangling lights come down so they looked like stars (/ /U/ /) Ying being a sucker for pretty things. Reached home at 11:30PM though L.L And the ride home with Enyou was just plain...awkward

>> Today: A very very very bad day. I can't stand it. I think I woke up on the wrong side of bed. See, it just wasn't pleasant at all right from the beginning -.- Then throughout the day it just got worse because I was feeling very tired from yesterday's events so I was just this walking zombie. And I have a strong feeling Mdm Khoo is going to include me in Math remedial soon and I'd have NO WAY to escape because she doesn't accept any excuse DD: Please pray it's just me being paranoid. Then I failed my Chinese and I'm very angry with myself because THAT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN .__. Omg what's going on. Then had tuition and I hate math I hate math I hate math. Anything to do with it sucks u___u Super tired. I wonder what am I doing now. Probably just running on fuel already.

You're going to forget all about me.

I feel so used. I feel like...I'm just there for you to ask for help, ask for this ask for that and when I am done with doing your bidding, you just turn away like I never existed. Tell me why. 

We will show you guys who's boss.

Alright, need to get back to work O___O Goodbye~ RT tomorrow ((:
