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Way Out
Nobody's listening
Wednesday, February 27, 20135:16 PM

"You can do so much better..."

HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN INACTIVE D: Aw man, seriously no time .__. Even if I do have time, it's always spent doing something else other than being online on any social networking site ): 

>> Monday: Forgot to bring my tie to school which was just...BEST. Can't remember anything much about that day LOL. PE was the usual, running like some cow and then doing table tennis 8) Oh how I suck at table tennis and how I suck at running too -.- Mr Ang (?) introduced something called SPRINTING and you have to sprint like some...lightning. And I thought 4D was going to be nice and run together but hell no. Once he blew his whistle everyone took off like some rocket and there I was with Sharon (xD) and we just jogged at a cool pace OTL Hate running!!! ): 

HN was just HN and it was boring like mad DD; Spammed procedures especially DSW and I had a lot of trouble wearing my gloves u___u

>> Yesterday (tuesday): Geena had make-up lesson with Ms Fang so we just went along to do footdrill and I have to say that letting other numbers do your job is a really bad idea. I think my commanding honestly sucks lololol. And then Lau timed trolololol. And I see why they laugh at us when we do that oh lol. Fail footdrill session (x Comptrain was really fun LOL, I think most fun I had since the beginning of the year for comptrain and I wonder why. Thank you Xiner, Meihwa, Keane, Pengfei and Soong for coming down! (: And I was glad Keane helped me talk to Pengfei...because there are just times when I don't know how to put my feelings into words :X

>> TODAY: Footdrill in the morning was damn crazy, don't know what was wrong with us. Awkward commanding in the morning because YING IS AWKWARD x10000. Managed to stay awake through Chinese lololol and I'm really proud of myself~ Chemistry test was very screwed D: It's easy if you studied, which I did, but it just wasn't easy == Ugh. I think I might just fail it ): And then for Bio prac we dissected eyeballs and did some drawing thing! Sharon is damn funny:

And dissecting of eyeballs was just...gross TT^TT I will not upload any photos here as I fear for the people with weak hearts and I most certainly do not want such disgusting stuff "gracing" my blog :/ But it was still fun all the same (: Almost forgot that I had Math test afterwards .__. PC was in the hall where we had the EP election campaign talk thingo. Goodluck to both candidates~ And then chionged back to class for Math test. Surprisingly it was doable but I won't say so much, lest I fail it xD But was quite pissed that I couldn't finish it because I knew how to go about doing it but ugh. Then went home alone after Geena left for her meeting and here I am~

Have you ever wondered why some people do certain things? It might not make a lot of sense to us but it probably does to that person himself. I mean, like how we don't understand what everyone is going through no matter how hard we try because we're just not them. Different people, different choices. I guess some people just feel more comfortable doing things that way and then it's how they cope. So I really don't understand why some people just have to be so nosy and pry into others' business and tell the whole wide world. It's like, they have too much time on their hands to dig into people's lives. I mean, seriously, they probably don't even know why people do stuff like that and they have to make it seem like making that decision was something to be regretted

They just don't know, do they?

I don't matter anymore.

Alright, time for piano --.--
