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Way Out
Tuesday, January 8, 201310:28 PM

"Here we go, here we go..."

Day 7: Upload a recent photo of you. 
Lol no.

Day 8: How do you feel today?

LOL, finally day 2 of my school life is completed .__. Feeling so tired even though it's only been two days. My stamina for life is dropping O___O And I can foresee myself feeling this way many many times throughout 2013. Just this morning, Bambby posted a screenshot of her timeline on twitter and all the tweets were about how tired everyone was feeling xD Rofl. Hang in there people! It's not too long until Chinese New Year!! :3

Today I was a bit later to reach school because I stopped by macs to get cake for Staff Diane (: Happy birthday staff! I can't stand it lol, every time it's someone's birthday we get cakes from macs because no shop opens that early haha. Yep. Then a bit of foodrill. Today was quite disappointing. I don't know why, but the progress was quite slow and stuff ): JIAYOU KIDS. (it's 9:11PM now ;D) Flag raising was just blah but the person who gave the announcement was so hyper and cute! Hahaha, seriously appreciate SCs like that who don't sound/look like they would die if they get up there to make announcements :D NEXT WEEK SJ COMMANDING PEOPLE~ 

Went to put Sokhing and Huijun's books in their classes because they were having orientation and then up back to class (OMG 5th FLOOR!!!) to have math lesson. What a PLEASURE it was to see Mdm Khoo == Wasted a lot of time going through our goals for this year, like what grade do you want to get for Math 1 and Math 2, and electing our new Math rep which unfortunately is Yixin trolololol. BEST FRIENDS WITH MDM KHOO NOW TROLOLOL. But Math was surprisingly okay O___O 

PE WAS THE KILLER. We all thought that with Mr Siva gone, we would have a better life but hell no! ): It didn't even feel like PE, it felt more like physical training and like we were in NS or something TT^TT I know my physical standards should be somewhere there considering we have PT like every week or something but there are a few things I cannot do: 1) touch my toes 2) sit-ups 3) inclined pull-ups or any sort of pull-ups anddd that's about it. I'm not embarrassed L.L I just can't so why lie and later in the end embarrass myself even more when I have to do it in front of everybody or something. So did stretching. Ran one round around the track, came back and did sit-ups which I failed miserably because it wasn't assisted sit-ups. Well, even if it was, I would have failed too but yeah, that's not the point. And then ran another run and I swear running with a VERY empty stomach after sit-ups is a horrible choice. Then came back and did some stretching which was apparently to train sit and reach. Then ran another round. Came back to do bridging and leg raises. Woah, seriously. And I might like to add that behind, Year 2s were having orientation and 4L were having some slack PE time with Mr Ricky Tan, playing with a rugby ball or something D: Oh my. And at the end of PE we just sat there with our eyes closed and like meditating trolololol.

There was Lit today and it felt sooo good to finally have a subject that motivates me (: YAY LIT YAY LIT! Started on Romeo and Juliet * U * Lol. Basically, it's supposed to be a tragedy but I find it quite amusing and crappy because it spans only over 4 days but so much can happen and there were like, six people dead by the end of the play O___O Well, but the thing we have to learn is the structure and language of the play, not in literal meaning. And basically, like what Mrs Vora said, they were blinded with probably not love, but haste. And they were only about 14 to 16 years old. Super young. 

Photo-taking was horrible~ I feel so unglam. Hope no one else can assess the student profile and stuff ):

Brought down more medical supplies from the SJ room to the Sickbay because Mr Lim was complaining that the supplies were low because of orientation O___O Humans, please take care of yourselves! And also brought up the newly bought supplies to the SJ room lol. Then after that waited for Peiqi, Lau and Charlotte (: GAY JIAYING lololol omg some gay. Now already in senior high but still behaving like some kid (x We saw ______ and ______ on the bus!!! ^^ And then home sweet home ((:

Feeling very hungry because I haven't had my dinner 8(

Today I saw twitter's news feed and there was this hashtag called #cut4bieber. At first I was wondering what it was about, then I found out that apparently he was caught smoking weed and I don't know why the hell, but his fans are cutting for him -.- I don't know who started it but it's just bloody disgusting because who the hell cuts themselves to prove that their fans for him? And this matter isn't funny or anything because it's serious. I feel so angry at whoever started this because there are really people who did cut and it's so scary because they didn't do it because they felt like their life's in a mess or because they were a mess or any of those common reasons but because some asshole started that hashtag and because another asshole just had to smoke weed. I mean, seriously, so now that you matured and actually broke your voice and get famous and get all the shitzxc you want, you start going away from your beliefs and become like some other random star? I don't know. Think about all the kids who are following you, and this is what you're showing them.

I feel like some replacement every single time you appear.

Alright, shall go and do my support wing stuff because I'm cool like that TT^TT

me (: