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Way Out
NA'13 Appreciation Post ;)
Sunday, January 6, 20138:19 PM

"I know it feels like the end,
Don't wanna be here again.
And we could help each other off the ground so we never fall down again.
What it takes, I don't care.
We're gonna make it I swear.
And we could help each other off the ground so we never fall down again."
                                                             - TONGUE TIED by Faber Drive

I've talked about these kids many times on my blog in passing, especially last year when we were just practically shattered and then made whole a little while after. I had no choice but to choose that photo no matter how epic it looks because 1) we are standing in numbers! 2) none of the other photos are glam enough (we have people closing eyes xD) 3) the recent one is small and blur and Geena would kill me 4) because I just had this photo at hand. And this was taken in March last year when we still went by the name of NC (: Now we're officially NA... I don't know how long we'd get to keep this name but as of now, we are NA. ^^

NA sounds weird. Maybe because we haven't grown to get used to it or because NA is supposed to mean that we grew but nah, we're still a bunch of retards. Don't deny it guys, it's NOT just me. 

Even though you guys have been with me for pretty long and we've been through so many comptrains together and all that, but I still find it a bit hard to describe this thing that we have. I really don't know how to put it into words. I just know that you guys are my teammates and I'd do anything for you guys but other than that, all the other feelings would just remain unknown until I find the right things to say. 

Firstly, we have our Gyugeegee/LEADER/my hyung ;) Oh yes, and she's the dad of our team (and I'm the mum heehee). And she's daaaaaamn tall. Cannot stand it. And she's trying to steal the leader position from me because I'm the "reality" ;) Jkjkjk, you fit the role better than anyone else. And I always admire her calmness. Y U SO CALM. I don't know, you don't say much every time, even when I cry, or when everyone is just sad, but I know that you still care a lot about how we're feeling and even though you might think it's gay and all, but we can feel it. And thank you for always pulling us back on track when we float away with the clouds and also for doing all the communication with our mentors and all (: I know you're probably feeling very stressed because of the new commanding and because of it we cannot be as zai as before, but no worries, we'll get it. And who cares about how they want your commanding to sound like?? You are our leader and we want our leader to sound like herself (: And I know you're feeling scared about how this year is going to be and how everything would be so tough especially when our grades aren't good AT ALL and how we're actually going to not die of exhaustion from all those responsibilities and work but HEY, I'm here I'm here I'm here. (QUEUE SONG: HOLD MY HAND by MJ and AKON) Jiayou in everything (: Go lead those standard twos well (: And grow taller.

Our #2, Lau ;) My laoying ;) HEEHEE. And she owe me laoying chocoroll~ She's like female replica of Phileon because they're both like sticks and they both wear black specs and her stamina when doing CPR is like some boss. And she's my partner ((: My dear Lau, I know I always bully you during case, like make you run here and there to take water take ice take supplies take splint take everything, and then I'm always the slacker who talk to casualty and take breathing take pulse LOL SORRY LAU. I will try my best to be better to you okay. I will ask you to take lesser stuff and take some of them myself. And don't be so emo anymore okay hahaha emo-ing is bad for health. And thank you for saving us during Home Nursing! You're the most bimbo and you always help us make our HN case look more decent. I don't know what to say about the things you're struggling with now because I'm not as good as you or even better than you to help in any way but don't worry because when you need people to listen to you or help you, there's truckloads of people here. You know where to find us ;) And don't worry about those things you have no control over. I mean, if you're gonna let those things affect you, how are you going to handle those things you can actually control? Study hard my dear Lau but don't study too hard if not you might just burst a vessel or something (touchwood). Continue training on your CPR k! I have my AED to gay with now D:

Then there's me. I have a lot of nicknames and I'll probably fill a page with them so shall skip them. I am an ass to my team but they still love me because I do embarrassing things for them ;) 

MY NAMJA/CARROT hahahahaha. My AHEM (/ /U/ /) buddy and my spazzing buddy trolololol. My HN partner and we suck at HN ): My fellow rage-r (?) :D Hehe. Stop raging about WGM and stay focused okay PPQ. You have a lot of things to do (like physics homework ;D) and you have a lot of catching up on gaying with me to do as well. And you should stop wasting your tears on funny stuff which I shall not name here if not I will tarnish your image lol ): You do a lot of stuff for us and I'm sorry if we sometimes forget to say a little "thank you" or appreciate it but don't worry, everything you've done for us, we can remember and we will remember (: Don't care about those people that make you angry/sad/disappointed because that's what I'm here for~ Thank you for just being there when I need you and for helping me. I know I can always count on you. Even when the things I ask you to help me with is none of your business, you will still agree to help even if they're very very very mafan (: NAMJA, you're very very smart (I've seen your math assignment ;D) and I believe you can do well okay! Whether with tuition or not ;) Jiayou jiayou jiayou! We will train on our gayness (even though I think it has already hit maximum) and be the best pair for Home Nursing okay :D We'll change bedsheets super fast and feed patient nicely and sweep the floor together okay. 

NA's very own nanny/grandmother and our very very very much appreciated sai kang warrior (: We may all be sai kang warriors but she's our ultimate (x HAHA. I know we're damn evil, always make you do our sai kang and we'll try to cut back on that okay! She's like the only person I know who adds chocolate to almost everything she eats (that's why we bought her a bottle of chocolate sauce for her birthday :D) and has this weird obsession over anything edible xD LOLOLOL. And also we feed you nice stuff too, y'know! HAHAHA (: Help us watch over our #4 k~ And thank you for always watching over us, especially during case, always being our forever present casualty and mentor (: Sometimes I just wish I had your brains so that I wouldn't be so flustered during case and everything D: You really take very very very good care of us and I'm glad we have you if not we'd be long dead by now TT^TT Also, you're another one, don't keep things to yourself okay!! Must tell us~ It's not just because we're KPO (-.-) or anything, but because...lol, you know right? And also, I saw you also cried okay that day! Don't keep laughing at me and calling me gay hahahaha. Okay, really appreciate your attachment to anything related to us okay (: And feeling so much for us (: Must help me and Geena with our work okay! As our nanny, make sure we finish our work and all ;) HEEHEE.

Wow. That was...quite tiring to type hahahaha. GUYS, we've started on a very different journey now, and there is a very big risk we might lose everything if we go down the wrong path. Hope that you guys will never ever ever give up because this is what you want and what we all want. Whenever you feel like giving up or everything's too tough, listen to Leader Gyu's words: you're doing this for our team.

Alright guys, I love you, and I shall see you in school!!

your number three (: