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Way Out
Sunday, January 6, 20131:32 AM

"I really fell for you..."

ALRIGHT. Just a short post because it's already 1:14AM as I'm typing and I still have church service + freaking tuition tomorrow == Ohmygosh. New year rolls in and stupid tuition is here again ffffuuuu TT^TT

Day 5: Write about a period of time in your life when when things were not so good.
-.- Hrmph. Maybe during JNCO/ANCO/SOC period this year. Which I shall not harp on it.

Day 6: When was the last time you cried?
Wow is this set of question made for me or something. TODAY TODAY TODAY TODAY TODAY.

So today went to school for CTC stuff (: It's like "welcome back to the new year, now get nat champs for us" LOLOLOL jkjk (x I'm more than happy to be there alright!! It's like, finally, after so long, we finally get to stand up as NA (woots~) and train legally ;) Hahahaha. Woke up late though because of my stupid alarm which refuses to ring wtf. But still made it in time!!! :DDD Was high the entire way to school. No, actually, throughout the whole day. Never felt so energized ^^ 

Spent super long helping Mr Lim and his SD team stick number tags on the wooden planks of the parade square. So people, please take care of them...it was hard work. Mainly because Mr Lim wanted to save on the cost to hire people to do it lololol 8) Being able to do footdrill with those kids was pure bliss. I mean, seriously, even though it was very screwed because of all the new timings and new commandings, but just being able to do this simple thing with them was just...I can't describe, no matter how terrible our bangs were and how cui we looked (: And then was first-aid! Finally I have a new best friend for this year: AED ;) Lololol, I don't know if I'm lucky or not (: Even though we took longer than usual, but the case felt just right and the atmosphere was there! It's like a good start to our new chapter of our journey~ See you guys on Monday okay! And we'll train like there's no tomorrow (even if there is)!

And then some stuff happened which made me dehydrate and had to replenish by drinking 100 plus but yeah, shall leave things as it is.

Dear NA,
No matter how boring I always sound and how retarded I always am, you guys better take me seriously and I'm going to just say this ONCE. I'm sorry for being so stupid but that's just who I am so please bear with me for how long we're going to be together. And please read my HN notes. They're not as gay as me. And I love you.

Stop being over-friendly.

We're gonna make it I swear.

Since you don't care, I decided not to care either. Do you know how disappointing and hurt it feels to actually wanting to try for you but you end up not even appreciating everything that I do. I feel like I wasted my time on you and I'm really not going to make the same mistake again. Be whatever you want to be, I can't care anymore.

Life is gonna get a whole lot more interesting when school re-opens~ (x AISH. And I'm just left with half a math assignment!!! JIAYOU OMG. But got a lot of SJ stuff to do TT^TT

That's all folks~
