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Way Out
Wednesday, January 9, 201311:47 PM


And greetings lololol. I have Lit and Chem homework to do 8( Oh gawd. Lololol. Well, what did I expect. And I'm super sad because my B1A4 album refuses to cooperate with me TT^TT

Day 9: What's the nicest thing anyone has said to you?
LOL...hmm I think people don't usually say stuff about me or at least they don't tell me about it. I mean, who tells someone what they think of a person hahaha. Well, y'know the bad stuff they say always triumphs over the good but I'm not so pathetic left with nothing else nice to say (x Well, y'know the usual stuff like, you're nice, you're funny, blahblahblah. I just feel awkward thinking about it O___O

I found a new Infinite blog to follow teehee~

Today was...I can't think of a word to describe it. Well, we elected our new class comm and even though I kinda miss Aless being the chair (because she's like this moving block of energy) but the new class comm is awesome! (: And I feel very very very honoured that they wanted to elect me as vice-chair because I never knew that someone would want to (HAHA WO ZAI KAN BIAN ZI JI!) but omg Felicia is super dee duper good as well!! (: And our class is so cool man, like, we can decide on the class comm without the huge hassle of voting ;) Everyone just kinda agrees to the choices made * U * And as for me, I shall always be the ever enthusiastic LA rep trololol, even though Mdm Juwana is no longer our teacher ;D 

Chemistry class with a new teacher and a new "class" kind of scares me. If you're a student from 4H to 4M and if you ever walk past 4S, or if you are a student from 3H to 3M and if you ever walk past 3N, and you see this bunch of people with Mrs Teng (but most importantly you see me!), don't worry we're not having normal chinese class or english class for PRCs or anything. We're actually having Chemistry class. Mainly because our class sucks in Chemistry the most out of all the subjects and hence we need reinforcements and a smaller group so that we each have more attention. Well, frankly speaking, I think we just need to thank our lucky stars that they decided to focus on our Chemistry and give us all this help and not taking into considerations all the other subjects that we suck at as well (which is practically everything). I don't know how I feel about my new Chemistry teacher. I mean, Mr Lim wasn't that good but not that bad either. I kinda know what she's talking about and that's because I studied beforehand. It's a good start, really. I need to work harder than this. I'm still lost like a lost bird.

Alright, short post. Shall not drag longer and longer. There are just too many details for today and I can't afford posting them all ): Off to finish my work ;) Goodbye!

I knew you would get me replaced.

P.S. Can't wait for Friday CCA and footdrill! And Saturday comptrain ^^
me ;)