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Way Out
Friday, January 11, 201310:49 PM

"When you're lost and you're scared..."

It's me~ I'm back and tired and back with the flu D: Oh gawwwwd.

Day 10: What's the meanest thing anyone has ever said to you?
OH WELL lol sighpie haha. Well I think I'm not the easiest person to actually get along with so it's inevitable if people actually get annoyed at me. Digressing, but, don't you think that the world is getting so petty now that nobody is ever COMPLETELY happy with anyone? Sad, isn't it. People nowadays just think that people do things with a motive and a little thing that goes wrong would just piss them off. Same with me too I guess. LOL and back to the question, I think it's just those usual stuff like, "she's a b****" or other stuff that just makes me feel pretty shocked and surprised because when I said/did those things, I never meant it that way :O But well, I guess it happens all the time.

Day 11: Write about the best day of your life.
Hmm I don't exactly have a best day...every time I say "today's the best day of my life!" just know I'm using it figuratively .___. I don't really mean it haha. Well, there isn't really a best day. So I don't know what to say to this question. I think I'm quite neutral about every day unless I say otherwise heehee.

Today's DHS late day (: From Thursday changed to Friday L.L Got to school right on time at 7:30AM :D And Xiner gave me Inspirit album trololol yayyy! 8) Hahahahaha they all look so young and funny xD Anyway, because the mentors weren't there, we just started on footdrill ourselves and sometimes it was okay, sometimes it was screwed. I really hate the new timing and the new drills. It's really so damn horrible and irritating and I feel like, I suck at it and I'm just gonna screw everything up ): And then mentors came and so did Sir Peter and Ma'am Yihfang. Sir Peter told us all the new changes in the drills and stuff and tried to correct our commanding/timing and I just felt frigging screwed throughout the whole thing. Super sorry to our mentors for being so demoralized and annoyed at everything D: SORRY BUT I WAS DAMN SAD THAT I KEEP SCREWING UP MY TIMING :/ So angry and irritated lol. 

Lessons lessons lessons ._. I was dying during Bio because I had like, 4 periods of it because HCL was taken over by Mr Han ): I tried very very very hard NOT to fall asleep and I succeeded, just that I probably looked like a drunkard -.- Had free 2 periods for Math because Mdm Khoo was busy and then instead of doing my work, I fell asleep I'M SORRY TT^TT I read like 5 pages of Romeo & Juliet and then I couldn't take it anymore == Oh well. But after the nap, I felt better!!! Much better!

Changed seats! It's like, bye Jamie hahahahaha. I'm currently sitting with Annabel in the second row (there are four rows!) and right at the windows at the corridor (: So I can see people when they're walking around! And in front I have Bambby and Nadine, and behind I have Aless and Enyou (: On my left I have the lockers and the floor and on my right I have Ziyi and Jamie luuuul. I'm half glad I got that seat. I mean, I'm next to like some genius and she'll probably just explain all the math questions to me so I wouldn't be lost during Math lessons ;) But being near the window is just so...distracting.

After that was orientation prep for Year Fours. It wasn't hiong or anything but I definitely feel super guilty to the Year 5s because I think we took too much time discussing and every time we try a new idea it just keeps screwing up and stuff ): And we ended up wasting all our time and we still had to change our structure. And I wasn't the one who did the prototype. I'm so sorry. Oh no haish D: But I'm glad it ended. So so so tired.

What if I die from whatever I have on my plate? My homework's like shit, hence I spend almost like twice the amount of time more than normal people usually do. There's NA, which I can never never never give up on. There's SJ on Friday and Saturday. Tuition on Sunday and Thursday. Piano on Wednesday plus late day. I don't know if I can handle. This screwed up timetable of my usual days has already started to take its toll on me and I can't comprehend how tired I actually feel. I'm so scared.

Don't care about those stupid things that stupid people say because after all, they're stupid.

me ;)