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Way Out
Wednesday, January 16, 201312:05 AM

LOL, haven't heard from myself for a while...

Day 12: Write about the worst day of your life.
Haha, again, like the previous question, I don't have a worst day. But there are days that sucked. And usually when they suck all I do is just to stone and cry and be emotional but then I get over it and I'm always back to my normal self (:

Day 13: What are your plans for the future? Far and near.
Firstly, most importantly, NAT CHAMPS. Secondly, and as important, get my studies back on track and also on the track to like...a decent GPA. Thirdly, get my ideal combi for senior high TT^TT Fourthly, I haven't decided on my career but...well, I will think about it sigh. And then I want to do something good for the rest of my life but I haven't decided on what exactly yet so yep.

Day 14: Post your favourite book, favourite movie, favourite band, and favourite food.
TROLOLOL. Err I don't have a favourite book because all books are awesome but I think it'd be "For One More Day" by Mitch Albom (: Favourite movie...hahaha...I guess it'd be a childhood favourite Peterpan, or Spiderwick omg so awesome. Favourite band...I don't have one. And favourite food, IDK, food's like...you can't have a favourite because they're all like... ))):

Day 15: Write about something you worry about a lot.
Well, long list. It's not "something" but "some things" .___. Mystudiesmyccamyparentsmylifeingeneralmyweightidkwhybutyesandalotofotherstuffthatidon'tknowhowtoputintowords

I have been away from my dear blog for ages. I can't believe it. My life's so hectic now I barely have time for myself. Let's just thank God that I got this little time slot for myself today.

School's always the same. There isn't much to say. Nothing much interesting happens ALL THE TIME because it's just like that. But I guess NA will always be a different case because nothing ever gets boring hahahahahahaha. I like to keep it that way (:

Saturday 12/1: Nothing much to say about orientation prep. Just doing the same things every year. Hope this year's go smoothly and no hiccups and no casualties please D: Shall not talk about the process/details. Had comptrain after that (: Honestly, we can do so much for our mentors. We can turn our mood 180 degrees (not 360 because you'll end up at the same point) just for them (: Yay. Footdrill around the level was fun :D And case...woah, creative mentors who hang cpr baby with the ropes that Scouts and Guides tied O___O And then after that, it rained so heavily and we didn't want to borrow umbrellas from the guys because they fall sick damn easily and we didn't want to borrow from Charlotte because she will have to share with Xiner. So Peiqi, Lau and I ran in the rain. It was the HEAVIEST rain I've ever been in without an umbrella. Totally soaked through! 8) Guys laughed at us because they were dry -.- Guys + the two birds insulted me about my IQ level. Said it was negative value. Oh gawd.

Monday 13/1: Comptrains without Lau is painful!! ): Mentors being meanies and spamming us with CPR + AED and making us do 30+ cycles .___. Stayed back to discuss stuff with Pengfei. It was a very bad day. I don't want to elaborate because it was really very bad.

TODAY: NA, don't be sian anymore okay! I cannot stand it when any of us are sian because the whole mood just goes down like a parachute )): Jiayou guys! I know our HN sucks, looking at how we messed up the place and I will practice my DSW and swear I will stop dropping the cotton balls when squeezing them dry and Peiqi will prepare the environment with over 9000 sincerity and we will just be super awesome that peoples' jaws drop and never return to normal (postive feedback from homeostasis lessons)!

Alright, off to do homework.

Stop thinking about you.

me ((: