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Way Out
what happened?
Wednesday, January 16, 201311:37 PM

A girl like you is such a confusing 
set of questions and answers
So I shut my mouth
I bury love inside the farewell
Outside the window, 
the forgotten rain and wind blows
In the wee hours of the night, 
I hear familiar songs from the radio
It’s perfect for thinking about you
There are two empty cups of coffee
In this place without you, I fight with loneliness

I walk alone on the streets

I go to the cafe I used to go a lot, I go watch a movie

I lock even myself in the memories, how about you?

This weather, this temperature, 
this passing wind, will I remember it?
A person to be forgotten like 
a passing by black and white film
I still miss you as I fall asleep
But on this a rainy night, I cannot fall asleep

Is this sound of the rain, your voice?

Is this a sound that calls to me? 
Am I the only one thinking of you?
Will this rain comfort me?
Do you know how I feel? 
I keep thinking of you

(I draw you with a pencil, 

I erase you with an eraser 
that is the falling rain)
(I draw you 
out again today, 
will I be able to erase you?)

A bright red umbrella

Wet and drenched clothes and sneakers
I turn off and turn on the boiler
Whatever I do, it doesn’t dry
Is that how I feel or is it not?
A confusing set of questions and answers

On a rainy day, I fell for you

We used to love each other so much
It didn’t seem like we had to do this
So my heart hurts so much (heart hurts)
(From the beginning, I held you in the 
left side of my heart and you thickly remain)
Now you remain as a broken 
fragment that’s deeply engraved inside
You pull me in
I think I lied when I said I could live without you
I throw away my feelings 
but I still miss you as I fall asleep
But on this a rainy night, 
I cannot fall asleep

Is this sound of the rain, your voice?

Is this a sound that calls to me? 
Am I the only one thinking of you?
Will this rain comfort me?
Do you know how I feel? 
I keep thinking of you

Dear sky, please help me

Please stop this rain
So that I can forget her, oh no

Is this sound of the rain, your voice?

Is this a sound that calls to me? 
Am I the only one thinking of you?
Will this rain comfort me?
Do you know how I feel? 
I keep thinking of you

Outside the window, 

the sound of the rain rings
I remember the memories of us
I can’t live without you girl
On rainy days, 
I miss you and our kiss
Outside the window, 
the sound of the rain rings
I remember the memories of us
I can’t live without you girl
On rainy days, 
I always run into you

- Rain Sound; B.A.P

HELLO (: Here to update about my boring day. Supposed to be doing my homework but I really don't have to motivation to do so...so I shall wait until I feel the need to :X Sigh. Preparing for battle with Pengfei which will take place in about 10 minutes .___.

(Gonna do Day 16 tomorrow because I'm lazyyy)

School today was...normal. Sigh. Morning footdrill; oh my gosh how sucky can our drills get. Seriously very demoralizing when we used to call it our "winning glory" because it really was and the only thing our whole team love hahaha. Oh well, jiayou NA!!! HCL lessons were seriously v v v boring OTL I was fighting the fatigue and trying to keep those heavy eyelids open :/ Sigh. I think the best thing was Assembly because they made us do this personality test and I think my personality is weird .___. Weird, not in the sense that it's super dee duper uncommon (there are only 16 categories, how weird can you get), but in the sense that I don't think it really seems like what I am. Perception~ Hahahahaha. But it was very fun!!

Then after that met up with Geena after my last class (MAAAAATH D:) and then we met Gay Jiaying during lunch so we just crapped around to wait for the rain to stop and then we went home. How, hearing about senior high makes me so worried == What if I cannot even cope omg then I'd be so damn screwed. AISH. Jiayou me jiayou me!

He's damn weird he's damn weird he's damn weird. I can't stop thinking about it because it really shocked my brains out of my head and I want to seriously just throttle him to death and ask him to stop messing around. Seriously. I really wish you would just be cruel and like maybe just post a photo of you and your girlfriend and just go like, I don't know, but just be cruel or something. Sir, you don't freaking post a picture of a photograph that I gave you on Instagram and put a caption with a freaking smiley face. Seriously. What the hell are you doing. Just throw that damn photo away. Why are you taking it out. It should be gone and forgotten by now. What the hell were you thinking. Did you post it for me to see. Just seriously go away.

Okay. The end. I don't know what to feel.

me (: