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Way Out
Forever is over.
Monday, January 21, 201312:35 AM

I want you to tell me about every person you’ve ever been in love with. Tell me why you loved them, then tell me why they loved you. Tell me about a day in your life you didn’t think you’d live through. Tell me what the word “home” means to you and tell me in a way that I’ll know your mother’s name just by the way you describe your bed room when you were 8. See, I wanna know the first time you felt the weight of hate and if that day still trembles beneath your bones. Do you prefer to play in puddles of rain or bounce in the bellies of snow? And if you were to build a snowman, would you rip two branches from a tree to build your snowman arms? Or would you leave the snowman armless for the sake of being harmless to the tree? And if you would, would you notice how that tree weeps for you because your snowman has no arms to hug you every time you kiss him on the cheek? Do you kiss your friends on the cheek? Do you sleep beside them when they’re sad, even if it makes your lover mad? Do you think that anger is a sincere emotion or just the timid motion of a fragile heart trying to beat away its pain? See, I wanna know what you think of your first name. And if you often lie awake at night and imagine your mother’s joy when she spoke it for the very first time. I want you tell me all the ways you’ve been unkind. Tell me all the ways you’ve been cruel. See, I wanna know more than what you do for a living. I wanna know how much of your life you spend just giving. And if you love yourself enough to also receive sometimes. I wanna know if you bleed sometimes through other people’s wounds.

Hellooo, hahahaha, don't worry, I'm alive and I'm here to save this blog from deadness .___. Hahaha. 

Day 17: Bullet your day.
What does "bullet your day" mean.

Day 18: Post one confession/secret.
Not trying to be a party pooper but I don't have a confession to make!!!

Day 19: Write about your last birthday and how you plan to spend your upcoming birthday.
Meh, last year's was really bad. Because it was a school holiday so I didn't have that school kind of celebration where your friends bring a cake to school for you and your class sings a birthday song to you kinda thing. But I went to school nevertheless. To STUDY. Wtf. Seriously ridiculous birthday. Didn't even go out after that or anything. It was one of the bad kind of birthday because of some stuff but whatever. Hmm this year...I don't know I don't really like to plan for birthdays. Just like to take things as it is gonna be and maybe make small plans. Maybe I'm just gonna roam Singapore or something...don't know (:

Day 20: What did you eat today?
WOAH, food, really?? Skipped breakfast. I had a beef + tofu bowl today from Yoshinoya for lunch (: Then for dinner I had this...10 course meal because of the wedding I went to. And I am still very very very full now, like I'm about to explode or something. This just means I have more calories to lose now -____-

>> Friday: Had footdrill in the morning (: It was much better than last week's, definitely. But the sad thing was that Geena was having personal time with Ma'am Shi Ting about her commanding so she couldn't join us ): I think it's okay, just that maybe she needs to be louder (hehehehehehe) and mostly it's just because all the other teams are conforming to the "new and cool" commanding style. Note how I placed the inverted commas. Seriously. We don't even sound like St John anymore. In the past, we were easily defined during flag raising because our command is usually short and sweet. Now we just sound like NPCC. It may not necessarily be a bad thing or good thing, it's just that we totally lost our identity. And personally I feel that some people just don't suit the long command so it just sounds.......... Okay, anyway, moving on. 

Celebrated Jaslyn's birthday for her during recess! (: I forgot my card -.- And there was a cake!! Hahahaha. So Jamie and I were trying to light the candle and everything but it just kept going out and we were so pekcek that we just brought the cake to her without lighting the candle after failing like five times == Then because we didn't have a knife (I told Jamie we wouldn't need one opps), we used Jaslyn's ruler to cut the cake (x Hahaha, of course we placed a plastic sheet over before cutting luh xD LOLOL, totally epic!! And the cake was really nice. Theoretically I ate two slices because the rest didn't want to finish theirs 8) Omg, all the cream but my weakness is cake TT^TT

Health screening was just awkward. Wasted so much time just waiting for my turn == Had to do the back bone check thing again. 

Then was Orientation Prep. I don't know what to say. Something that Sir Zoel commented just sets me thinking :/ Oh well. In any case I think it was quite a bad day as usual and I shall not comment further because it's just...ridiculous

>> Saturday: Got up really really really early to prepare my uniform and was out of the house before the sun was even up! (: Took Geena's car to school and it was slightly drizzling. Started work at 7 to prepare and set up everything for orientation. Finished setting up the static displays and flags and then went to change (: Orientation was okay haha, doing the CPR station with Lau was quite fun and epic (x Like, super a lot of alcohol swab and face shields were used trolololol. And as usual, some people were just being major assholes and totally pushing the blame to people but I shall not say who because it's pretty obvious -.- After that helped to pack up and then it was lunch! Then had our talk with Mr Lim. It's like finally seeing out baby being delivered to everyone because we've worked so long and hard for it. I don't know how it turned out because after it ended, everyone just left and I guess I don't want to dwell so much on it anymore. Hope it was fine anyway and yes, I'm glad it was over because throughout the whole thing I just felt so so so bad. But whatever. After that stayed back to practice DSW with the horribly supplied dressing kit and then went home (: Gosh.

>> Sunday: TUITION. Then went for a wedding (: Wheeeeee. So cool and happy to see people getting married ((: Hope that they will have a blissful married life! 

Can't wait for comptrain tomorrow! Y'know that kind of feeling when you actually practiced the things your mentors wanted you to do, and did some research here and there and you can't wait to just get the keys from the seniors, bring out everything and give your all for that short 3 hour session * U * Wow, seriously amazing ((:

Trying so hard to not lose sight of the end in mind.

Love is like sharing an umbrella. When either side tries to hard and pulls too hard, both get wet on either side. But why not put down the umbrella and embrace the rain together?

Alright, time to continue with my research then prepare uniform for tomorrow! So scary!! >< Hahahaha.

me (: 

❝yes, i tried to cast you out with a spiteful heart as i trampled on my instincts. my obsession towards you became faint and i’m calling it love once again … but it’s okay because i will turn back to your heart, it’s not a big deal even if my heart is ripped apart.❞