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Way Out
All of the bullshit you put me through.
Tuesday, January 22, 201310:36 PM

"Bring on the pain..."

Trying to complete a post before 10:30PM so that I can go work on my SJ stuff...since Dad created the rule about only doing CCA related stuff after 10:30 -.- In any case, he's not even at home yet and I'm waiting for my dinner and that's because my whole family is at the hospital because my auntie might just give birth any time O___O Yay, new addition to the Ying clan.

Day 21: How has your life changed over the past year?
Hmm this is hard. In any case you don't really notice the difference until you actually look back and realised how much things have changed in comparison to where you were one year ago. I think I'm almost the same, like, I'm still me. Things that have changed is probably how much I've been putting myself through which in comparison to last year, it's much more now. I don't know how to explain it but it just feels that I'm growing through something that I didn't experience last year. Both the good and the bad.

Day 22: What made you smile the most today?
Mainly comptrain (: But it was after that which was the best: going home with those kids (: I really miss those times when AC'12 and NC'12 would end comptrain together and we'll all noisly squeeze up 158 and talk about shit and everything on the bus and today, even though things have changed here and there between everyone, it still felt good seeing most of us together again (: Hope this never changes...

>> Monday: The most enjoyable part of the school year was probably assembly when we all got to know more about our personalities and everything (: Haha, but I think I'm an INFP gone wrong because I don't seem to suit the personality given to me lololol. Like honestly. There are so many things which I don't go "OMG SO TRUE" :/ Maybe I'm weird (x Just kidding. 

After that was comptrain :DDD Did home nursing TT^TT I think our home nursing is on it's way to improving but as the mentors used to say/should continue saying, "there is definitely bungalows for improvement" hahahaha 8) Home nursing is really damn gay ): I really rather do TOC than home nursing. Like, be like AA and hop over canteen benches and ninja around the place rather than smile and be gay around patients == AISH!!!

After that AA gave us flowers which was just purely...gay.

Went to HQ, guys got stuck in the toilet and couldn't come out for asdfghjkl long and it was such a joke. Hopefully they get the door fixed soon please!! I was so afraid they would never be able to come out because the people at the HQ refused to bang the door down -.- Oh gosh. And then after everything, reached home at 11:30PM .___. Super shag ): Bathed, did some work on my LA presentation and then went to bed. Super duper duper tired. I could've just slept the whole day away.

>> Today: Everything was a blur. The late night was taking its toll on me and I was trying my best to keep my eyelids open for the entire day DD: Failed a few times though. Then met Geena for lunch and crapped and studied our diagnosis notes before going to the SJ room to meet up for comptrain. FA today! (: It used to be our high point but now it seems that even FA cannot bring our mood to its maximum. Alrighty guys, jiayou!!! I guess it was okay...not our best performance and Ma'am Lydia rated it a B- case out of an A+ case. Hrmph. We'll make it an A++++! Then FD which was almost as bad but we improved!!!!! We can get our standards back!!!! After that went back with my team minus Lau, Pengfei, Soong and Kimbum (: 

Need to try so much harder.

Sometimes I just feel so shitty and I wonder if it's because I've been too hard on myself. Y'know that kind of feeling when you've actually worked hard for something and honestly wanted to do well but things just didn't go your way and it was just so damn demoralizing. Seriously.

All those things I'm feeling now, you'll never understand and don't pretend you do because that's what I hate the most.

Okay, goodbye.

me ;)