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Way Out
Can't go back.
Monday, January 28, 20131:06 AM

"He will try to take away my pain, and he just might make me smile, but the whole time I'm wishing it was you instead..."

LOLOLOL, I'm back! How long have I been missing in action? ):

Day 23: Describe what you spend most of your time on.
Omg, this is such a duh question. What else other than SJ? Hahahaha.

Day 24: How has your week been?
Hmm...I can't actually remember much of it because everyday's so busy. I guess that's the word to sum it all up: busy D:

Day 25: Write a letter to someone you miss.
Dear _____, screw you. Bye.

Day 26: Write about something you once loved, but now despise.
Haha, I think the things I loved are still things that I love now so this question doesn't really apply to me 8) I guess my opinions don't change much for a long long time (:

Day 27: Where is somewhere you would like to visit?
Cambodia! Haven't exactly been there even though I want to so so much ): There are many other places but Cambodia is at the top of the list at the moment. I'm just waiting for the right people to go with though.

Day 28: If you had three wishes, what would they be?
1) To have you back here
2) Things to stay the way they are because what's life without all the mountains and valleys? (:

Phew, that was long hahahaha ;)

Hmm, there's comptrain tomorrow and I really can't wait (: It's like the only thing that keeps me going. Can't imagine life after comp because it'd be just so screwed D: Jiayou NA! See you guys in a few hours :DD

>> Saturday: Went to HQ early in the morning for Workplan Seminar (: There was some hiccup in the morning which I will not speak of because it's just too infuriating to mention. I don't know how to describe it but the workplan seminar was just...LOL. And Peiqi's CPR photo appeared 8 times throughout the day ;) HAHA and somehow Zone got that photo even though that photo was our mock comp photo held in school O___O Lolololol. Yep (: Talked to Yinglin yayyyy hahahahaha she's so cute. But I feel quite bad that we didn't get to catch up with her like we wanted to after the seminar ): Oh well. Then stayed back for some FA talk by Sir Jianli DAEBAK DAEBAK (Y) Heard so much about him from LPL seriously damn zai. And then Saturday was also the day that P______ and P____ officially broke up after being together for 6 days TT^TT Damn sad la.
P: We're over.
P: But I'll miss the memories.
P: It's okay, we can still be friends.

Okay and I also went to Bugis Street! First time O___O Lololol. Supposed to buy new year clothes but I ended up just getting a plain white shirt which I can't even wear for visiting trololol :3 Who cares~ And today I bought another shirt which is too hot to even be worn in Singapore but yay that's just how I roll~

>> Sunday: church > tuition > home ):

I care so much, but you don't. 

Alright, shall update soon~ BYE (:
