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Way Out
Special girl.
Thursday, January 31, 201312:36 AM

"Stick around..."

Finally finished all my work for the day before going to sleep (: I'm so glad hahaha. Tomorrow's gonna be a really long and tiring day oh well~

School has been crazy I don't know what the hell I've been doing because it just goes like, bullet speed. Freaking tired.

Today my angel gave me a whole bar of Meiji chocolate! :DD Ohmygosh so nice! Haha I will never buy it for myself because I have this love-hate relationship with chocolate and I can't really eat them :/ LOL but aww, so nice!! 

I finally know why I'm an 'I' / introvert. They always say that 'I' doesn't mean that they're quiet; oh please I'm anything but quiet. I think that if people think that I show a lot of emotions (like, it's easy to tell when I'm happy or sad or angry and stuff) but the truth is just that those are just the surface feelings and there are so much more feelings underneath then I'm probably not showing. Hmm. So complicated right. Sucks to be in the middle of an 'I' and an 'E' because I can't decide whether to let the whole world know how I feel or to suck it all up.

I'm so very tired. He promised that one day, he'll make everyone appreciate everything that I've done but lately, I'm just feeling like that was so naive, all wishful thinking. What lies. Everything that I do, no one ever goes, "good job, you're doing fine" or "thanks so much for doing this" or "keep it up" or "you really saved me there". I make it a point to remember to thank people for small stuff but it seems like it's not getting back to me because everything that I do, no matter how much I fcking sacrifice, people still treat it like, they deserve to get my help or something. I'm not asking for anything in return. I just want to hear a simple thank you. Is it so golden that you can't even say it anymore? Ridiculous. I hate it when I slog my guts out for things and all I get is nothing, or even less than nothing. Whatever that is. It's so infuriating I don't know.

Fcking insensitive. I don't care. Forget about me for all I care. Go right ahead and forget that I exist thank you.
