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Way Out
Dancing in the moonlight.
Thursday, January 31, 201310:46 PM

Posting on my phone because I didn't get to finish my word post and my dad took the computer away .___. Anyway, I'm glad to be home, I feel too tired for comfort. Finally was on time for once for footdrill :D Haish, it seems like my timings are forever unpredictable because I left house the same time today but the traffic and transport were all in my favour today 8) Hope tomorrow it'd be the same as I.lug my uniform to school == Went to class and my Angel left another present for me!! This angel really likes sweet stuff or chocolate related because yesterday she gave me a bar of meiji chocolate and today she attached three cadbury chocolates to three post-its forming the word "hi :D". Omg so cute!! Thank you so much whoever you are! (: My mood instantly went up by 1000% after I saw it (: Lit lessons are honestly my favourite. Everyday I'm just wishing and praying that there's lit (yep, I only check my timetable once a day in the morning so most of the time idk what's going on). Romeo and Juliet is a really really nice play and even though we always laugh about how stupid it is (like how it's supposed to be tragedy but it seems more like a comedy), or making fun of the language (omg all the sexual innuendos and puns OTL), but the play is really so so so good and meaningful. It's like how I like my books to be written: angst + happy ending. Lol, the sad thing is that R&J didn't have a happy ending though they believed they would :') And today I learnt that when we love, we must love in MODERATION. It's like, Romeo and Juliet's feelings were too intense that they rushed into things and instead of thinking with their heads, they thought with their hearts (or butts). Too much passion and stuff which probably contributed to their fate. So, in moderation (: Don't dump everything or all the feelings at once because soon, it would lose its taste. Tuition today was horrible because my teacher placed the fan too close to our table and at the wrong angle so for one and a half hours the fan just kept blowing wind directly to me and I could feel my eyes drying up like as if there was a drought or something -.- omg, ouch. Took super long to come back, like more than an hour because that place is so inconvenient and the bus frequency is like...pathetic D: I really hate it when people underestimate me. Seriously. The feeling is as if they think not good of you. Alright, shall go do my work == Bye. xoxo, Me :b