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Way Out
I'm back.
Thursday, December 20, 201210:48 PM

Imagine if you suddenly woke up and your whole life had been a dream, and you're actually a completely different person living a different life in a different world.

Finally got my laptop fixed D: And obviously some hefty sum had to be paid TT^TT Oh well. And I'm the first one to be using it since it's recovery!! (: LOL. Feels good to be able to blog on the laptop again .__.

Anddd yes, I'm back from JNCO/ANCO (: Finally free~ No more emails spammed with emails regarding OPS Schedules and what not (x Hahas jkjk. In any way, it's always good to have something off your mind rather than always having it bugging you. So before the camp I was all like hoping it would never come because I felt so scared but now I'm just great that time flew like a G6 and we're free again (:

Shall spare all the details of camp because I can barely remember what happened yesterday, no point racking my brain to think about Day 1 x__x Well, I guess it's pretty much has been a success (?) or at least I hope :/ There were many hiccups here and there and probably a lot of cutting of plans etc but I think we handled it okay (: They made us do this fear and breakthrough thing which I felt so lost because honestly speaking I already know what's wrong with me and I'm also more or less satisfied with how things are now. They might suck but I've seen worse, therefore I'm satisfied and I couldn't think of the breakthrough thing. Oh well. But that doesn't mean I've not gained anything! It's actually true that you don't just learn from your seniors but the juniors have something to teach you too. It just takes one to observe I guess 8) 

Sometimes during the camp I will feel super super super sian about everything and so angry at everyone but most of the time it felt so heartwarming to see my squad grow. It may not be significant to anyone or if people even actually realised it == Many people are too busy with planning, own stuff that they forgot the other 30 people who have been with them for the past (insert number here) years. But I guess I'm used to it, looking out for those small details etc. 

Almost fell asleep.

All I know is that everything that pissed me off will just stay and it's about how we react to it but I hope seniors can take care of at least the macro stuff and stop leaving us dangling from some thread.

Okay, that's all!!

Geena (: