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Way Out
Saturday, December 22, 20129:35 PM

"Life makes love look hard..."

HELLO. So apparently I survived the "apocalypse" of 21/12/12 (x Haish. Things like the apocalypse shouldn't be joked about. And yes, the world will end but no, we won't know exactly when. Just that it WILL end. Someday. Maybe not in this lifetime (: Don't know if it's gonna be a good thing or a bad thing. 

My trip to Kukup! Mostly just because I want to get rid of the photos in my phone * U *

The view from my household :D All the houses are on stilts hehe!

The household dog! O___O It lives under the basin lol.

This is a kelong. Mainly they rear fishes and you have to take a boat there (: It's just water all around O___O

Kind of tried to persuade my dad to buy me a kelong so I don't need to study and can just rear fishes in Kukup. But failed.

Horse shoe crab~

Another dog from the kelong :D It's so tame~
And then just the fireworks! It's legal to play with fireworks there...like real fireworks. LOL. Let the video do the talking okaaaaaay~

Aish today was uneventful...other than the fact that I cooked dinner for my family L.L It was edible, if you want to know xD But I don't like cooking when my mum's around because she'd just meddle with everything -.- So annoying. MEH.

If you're just gonna do something that you know I'd be unhappy about and then act like it's nothing or act like it's my fault that I'm upset then I suggest that you just stop talking to me. It's so stupid, the way you act.

Alright, nothing much~ Christmas is coming soon people! :DD Hahahaha. INFINITE Seasons Greeting looks so... (/ /U/ /) Oh well. 

me (: