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Way Out
I want to be forever young.
Thursday, December 6, 201211:58 PM

"Was it something I said, or something I never did, or was I always in the way..."

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. - Oscar Wilde

Yay, I'm updating again even though today's been boring D:

Was supposed to wake up at 7:30AM but I accidentally switched off the alarm and then yeah, overslept TT^TT Was 5 minutes late to meet Pengfei O__O Then after that headed to Redhill to start work!! Today was the warehouse sale and thank God I was doing sales because it's the most not boring job ;) And I got to sell the shoes that we've been packing so it's pretty good :3 Yep. Then towards the end then I moved to Level 1 to help out at the cashier counter (: It was a retarded job omg -___- Have to help customers put their stuff into plastic bags after they have been scanned -.- Freaking boring. Then after work met Pengfei again and then bought dinner and HOME SWEET HOME (: Super boring day please == Tomorrow's gonna be the same L.L

Finally letting all those emotions out.

Without you, this is a hopeless world.

Maybe I should really start to try my best to forget some stuff and stop holding onto so many things.

Alright, that's all * U *
