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Way Out
Trouble trouble trouble
Thursday, December 6, 201212:26 AM

"Shame on me..."

Even if I had all the reasons to quit, I'll still find one reason not to. You know why? Because you make me smile like no one did before. And one day, someone told me not to regret something that once made me happy. 

HELLO PEOPLE. I'm actually deadddd tired but meh, still got tons of work to do! And the second part of our Math holiday homework has been sent to us just today D: Which reminds me that my homework progress is STILL zero TT^TT Someone save me ):

So...Dactyl chalet! (: Hahahaha. Felt quite bad not going earlier on the first day but it couldn't be helped because I woke up at 12PM because of the stupid CS the previous day omg and it totally ruined my plans. The hike team had hike recce in the morning and I wanted to go but I had errands to run ): Yup. And then being the forever last minute human, I didn't pack my chalet things so I had to rush and stuff. And because of that I forgot to bring a lot of important things like toothpaste, soap and my spectacles == How cool. And the shuttle bus there operates hourly so if you miss a bus you have to catch the next one an hour later :/ Yup. Went there and they gave us jelly that they made on their own and it was good! :DD Hehe. And we ate noodles cooked by Eugene's mum for dinner (: And then (staff) Jiarong came and so we all played games prepared by the Standard Twos (: Had to switch off all the lights and use lightsticks (they were green!) to find our way around and look for cards with some "mission" attached to them LOLOL. Then in the end solve a code hahaha. After that we just nua-ed around and then the Standard Twos went to bathe and sleep but Soong, Xiner, (staff) Jiarong and I sat around the mahjong table and talked O__O For 5 hours. Zai. And he still had hospital attachment the next day. Luckily he didn't oversleep if not hosehliao. Slept at 5 and woke up at 8+. Went out to have brunch at Simei (: Hehehe.

BBQ was okay I guess (: Thank God we had (staff?) Chuanying to help us start the fire and stuff if not we'd just starve and probably eat raw food and stuff O__O Yeppp. And as usual Eugene's mum brought sooooo much homecooked food for us! Like, three big trays :3 Hahaha. We're so pampered by Eugene's mum every single time ;) And she brought ice-cream too! 8) Hahahas. And also as usual we always create something epic using those kitchen appliances like using the microwave to cook our chicken and using the pot to fry sausages. And being the klutz I made the butter splash out so I have this weird looking...tiny...burn on my hand and it was so funny xD Then went home :D You don't have to eat much during BBQ to be full, seriously 8)

Everyone needs a guardian.

Today went back to work! Had a pretty long break from work already == It was just packing today and it was a huge mess, worse than the first day because after the warehouse sales, everything was in a mess. Like, some shoes didn't have boxes, one side of the shoes missing, boxes torn and everything TT^TT So we had to re-do almost everything I guess. Spent the first half of the day tying the shoes together and I sorted out a few Nike shoes 8) Then went for lunch heehee was so hungry D: And then when I came back I did the pricing! It was quite fun :D Like you check the article number against a list and find out the price. Then there's this equipment you use, you just turn the dial to the price you want and then just start tagging all the boxes :D But after a while it starts getting quite tiring hahahaha but yeah, it was quite an experience I guess :p 

All those things I've wanted answers from you, but never had the courage to ask in fear of the answers you might tell me.


I don't understand you at all. You appear to be like this in front of everybody but I wonder what you're actually hiding. Maybe not an ulterior motive but definitely something. I don't understand and I'm very sure you're not that stupid to not know what annoys me and irritates me but are you doing it on purpose? Sure, it's not your fault all the time but sometimes you're just bringing it upon yourself because of whatever you're doing. What's this. Whatever. I don't feel good ranting about things like that.

Stop talking about things I obviously don't wish to hear.

L must be feeling so sad that What Is Mom is going to stop airing ):

Alrighty, nothing much (((:

ME (: