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Way Out
Don't hold on to anything that has gone.
Thursday, December 27, 201212:52 PM

HELLO~ Shall just blog a little since I'm going to MIA for the next few days ): Don't miss me heeheehee though I can see my pageviews dropping like mad trololol~ But still thanks to my "loyal fans" who stalk me everyday even though some days nothing comes up ;) Teehee!

Okay, so yesterday was CMC Proposal "have-a-war-with-Mr-Lim-and-Sir-Zoel" day! Believe it or not, the three of us were kinda eggcited (: Especially our dear Pengfei because of all his "babies" ;)) So early in the morning (with probably 15 minutes more sleep than usual) I was seated at KFC before 8AM waiting for the entire day to begin. At 8:05AM, Pengfei texted saying he would be late because of AHEM and then at 8:30AM on the dot, Mr Lim walked in and making me feel like the awkwardest human on earth .__. Yep. And then Sir Zoel came and said that Keane and Pengfei were both waiting for each other at possibly different places. Haish and then there was the whole "I was waiting for him but then decided to go pee so he had to wait for me" thing -.- Lol (x Breakfast was just an awkward thing LOL and I just sat there sipping my milo and watching the two whateveryouwannacallthem share a breakfast xD Hahahaha. Back to school for official meeting (: 

I think such meetings are quite cool and effective because we get to hear the "adults" point of view because I think we're more like kids, STILL, even though we're 15 (and somebody's 16 -.-), which would make you feel like "hey, my idea maybe wasn't that good" (: It's good though. After the whole war, had lunch and met up with Peiqi and Soong and Sir Kennard :D LOL, lunch was epic hahahaha. After that went back to school to continue the war, just that now it's now with training wing~ Hehe. After that went back with Peiqi on 158 and then home home home!! LOL. Texted Peiqi on the way home and I swear our conversations are damn random and retarded ^^ Hehe. Just the way I like it (: I like talking about retarded stuff with people, makes everything less serious and not so stressful teehee ;D

Went to Popular to buy my books because Mum was nagging for too long that she gave me the money 1 month ago and yet I still haven't got my books. Turned out that going all the way to nex was a waste of time because I only got ONE chinese workbook -.- Romeo & Juliet was out of stock, I already have my math books from last year, Chemistry and Biology books re-use, and I'm getting my Chinese textbooks from (SOME GAY) ;) LOL. And it only cost $3.55 xDD Trololol. Okay what a joke.

What if I told you...nevermind.

Alrights. Nothing to say. I feel a bit exhausted trying to hype up all my words even though my face's just... .__.

BYEEE haha.

ME 8)