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Way Out
Tuesday, January 1, 20134:48 PM

"You tell me about your past, thinking your future was me..."

HELLO EVERYONE~ And a happy new year to all! (: I'm back from my break trololol. And I'm kinda eggcited for this new year to start. At least I'm not dreading it or anything :DD (after this post I'm on full blast for my dear support wing yay yay)

I shall spare a lot of details about the trip to Bangkok because honestly I cannot remember a lot of it though I just got back this morning O__O Anyway, the weather there was...omg, I might say worse than in Singapore. It's like, if I were an ice-cream, I could just melt when I step out of the hotel lobby. When you exit anywhere air-conditioned, you get hit by this wave of warm air and it's never windy. Well, never, unless you take their public transport, the Tuk Tuk. Oh yes and there were many dogs there ):

So it's like this motorized vehicle where the driver sits up front on a motorcycle and the passengers sit at the back. A bit like a trishaw but it's motorized. Yep. And the ride would be almost equivalent to a roller coaster ride. The roads there are ridiculous. You can actually drive AGAINST the general flow of traffic and it's legal. And you can make U-turns in the middle of no where or even the middle of a 十字路口 O__O The roads are very dusty and it's almost a guarantee that you have to clean your glasses after the ride. And almost 99% of the time, you'd be stuck in a traffic jam :/ Times like this we learn how to not complain about the traffic back in Singapore.

Maybe it's because I went at a wrong time. Year-end, and surprisingly they're still celebrating Christmas. You hear christmas songs EVERYWHERE and there's caroling and Christmas decoration rigged up in all shopping mall and train stations and hotels and airport etc etc etc. And then they're also preparing for countdown of 2012 so it's a mess of everything literally. Quite surprisingly there was this one time when we went to this big city square and there were little restaurants in the middle of the city square and I have no idea how, but there were THREE stages with THREE rock performances going on at the same time. So it wasn't music anymore. More of noise. Wow. Just amazing. I had to walk through the square with fingers in my ears.

But the good thing is, over there, everything's pretty much cheeeeeeeep ;)

But nah, didn't do much shopping.

Back to Singapore, flight was delayed because of bad weather in Singapore. Delayed for 1.5 hours. Kill me. Seriously. There was nothing to do at the airport and we couldn't leave the airport because there was no where to go anyway .___. Oh my. And so I celebrated the countdown in the plane hahaha. Quite epic because all the passengers and all the crew were counting down together (x

Now I'm back and the new year has started so...time to do all my SJ stuff and homework TT^TT Leggo~

I knew it. I am nothing to you.

Me (((: