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Way Out
Screwing up the best thing ever is something you'll regret forever.
Wednesday, November 21, 201211:59 PM


Nah, I'm not dead kekeke. And this blog will never ever ever ever be dead trololol. It's just that these few days I've been coming home at around 11PM so I never get to update my blog and stuff D: And when I reach home, I have to bathe, and then I end up sleeping at 12+PM and I have to wake up at 5:30AM -.- Pffft. Taking some huge risk about being able to wake up tomorrow to update O__O

So...for the past few days I've been going to Changi General Hospital for my hospital attachment (: Yepp. If you refer to twitter and you see some freak ranting tweeting at 5+AM, yep, that would be me ): Well, it's kinda far away for me I guess, but some other people have it worse, because of the different zones that they come from, but they all get posted to CGH. Sometimes I just feel like lazing in bed and not getting up but no no no, I have to complete my one week!!! :/

The first day was kind of boring. And scary. I'm attached to ward 47 (Lau's at ward 48!) and then the two other people who are in the same ward as me and from Changkat Changi Sec and RV. So...yeah, totally new people. A lot of time was spent on doing those super dee duper dry stuff like what we can do, what we cannot do, how to help, who must we greet blahblahblah. All the dry things.

Now I'm on my third day and I guess it's pretty awesome (: Today was especially fun because the healthcare assistant today was a guy called Michael and he's just so funny LOL (: We do a lot of meal serving most of the time because we can't help with the dressing of wounds and serving medication because dressing of wounds is highly infectious and stuff, and if anything wrong were to happen during medication, it would be like... == But meal serving isn't just giving the meal and placing it on the table. There are a lot of things to take note of. We have patients who are on milk diet, tube feed, restricted fluid, soft diet, diabetic diet etc etc etc and so all of these have different food and drinks. And we have to prepare all those! Then there are the muslim food and chinese food which we have to serve separately .__. Oh gosh busy busy busy! Sometimes we help with admin stuff, like on day 2 we arranged admission forms for the counter lady 8) It's not a very fun job but it's the kind of job which takes up almost 1.5 hours just by stapling papers together :D

The food there is expensive oh gawd.

Anyway, just wish that all the patients would recover quickly and get out of the hospital! (: 早日康复!The hospital ain't some fantastic place. Just really wish everyone would be healthy (: The worst thing about going on attachment is seeing a patient doing okay during the first day and then coming back the next day to see e.g. his leg amputated or something. ): And then there are the patients who cry sometimes when we talk to them and we have to control ourselves well because we cannot show any emotions for such stuff :/

Oh yes and I started work ahahaha. So many new experiences this holiday 8D Every day I have the fear of being spotted by people I know trololol. It's not a very demanding job I guess but when customers come, they come in hoards and they need lots of attention. And you don't get to sit down. So it's like...standing for 5 hours straight and getting stuff the customers want TT^TT But it's still a good experience! (: I think I would like the job better if the things were more organized and if the environment was a better one TEEHEE.

Happy birthday Dongwoo! :DDD Keep smiling and being so so so childish and nice to everyone! (: We love you~

Today we had HN course (: The nurse is from SGH (: She made Lau and me share about our hospital experience since we were the only ones who went for attachment. And then we did DSW which we would be tested on for our exam on friday ): Wish us luck okay, especially the DHS corp, if not we would not get our HN cert hurhurhur 8( Course was okay I guess (: A lot of things we've already had some brief knowledge of during HN lessons with our mentors *wave!!!* and seeing it at the hospital really helps a lot. But still, we gained good knowledge of it luh (: But (staff - freaking awkward to type rank -.-) Jiarong just kept giving the :O face throughout the whole course hahaha. Yeah but for a first-timer I guess, it sounds freaking foreign and ridiculous to some point ;)

I need to start forgetting some things.

Okay, nothing much! Need to sleep soon if not tomorrow cannot wake up D;

Come back.

ME (:

P.S. If you have not caught Sunggyu's new single MV, here it is! ;) 60sec!