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Way Out
"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven."
Saturday, November 24, 20124:03 PM

"I promise, I swear..."

#nowplaying Oath by Cher Llyod (:

It's meeeee again ;) Hahahahas. Finally my first free day in a week D: Pathetic life man. Today's the first day since Sunday that I slept until almost 10PM .__. 

And yup SJAB Hospital Attachment has ended! ): Happy because I don't have to wake up at 5:30AM every morning but sad because it'd be very hard to go back to that place unless you're on attachment again or you're working there which isn't the field that I would venture into. But nevertheless, it was very enriching (: I guess there wasn't much practical stuff that we could do because hospital context is so different from those scenario-based stuff we do in school. But the theory things that we could learn was very very very good (: I guess it would benefit us in a way or another. Whether we can apply it anywhere or just for our own knowledge, it would still be benefits (: 

We did our usual stuff on Friday with Michael (: Aw man I'm gonna miss Michael so much! He's taught us so much, even though it was just going around serving food and helping him change stuff, but he took the effort to bring us to places that we probably wouldn't get the chance to go to because everyone's just so busy to bring us around :/ And he's taught me how to love whatever I'm doing, no matter what it may be (: Anyway, haha, we served breakfast and I just felt more optimistic (?) than ever since it'd be our last day... And then we helped Michael change the bottles of the hand rub at the foot of the patients' beds and around the corridors (: And then was lunch. After that we served lunch and we went around the hospital with Michael again haha. He let us explore the Material Management Department when he was collecting the VAC dressing for the ward. And then we went back to pack up. We gave Michael a gift! (: And he was so touched that he said we better leave before we see him start crying ): Awwww...he gave us Kitkat to thank us too (: And his son's email so that we could all keep in touch (: Then we gave the Staff Nurse our card for the ward which we made in the morning haha (: After we signed out, we went around to say goodbye to those patients whom we had a close attachment to I guess (: And one uncle started to cry when we said it was our last day here ahh ): But oh well. And then left CGH. Hope I don't have to go back because of sad stuff haha.

Home Nursing test yesterday! Hahaha. Was sitting around with Yinglin, Jolin, Yih Jou and Lau (: And later Jiarong after Yinglin asked him if he could pair with Yih Jou HAHA. And then we just revised our stuff for a while but then after a while I guess it was really boring, so we just started talking about random stuff. And Yih Jou was forever making a fool of himself by telling lame jokes haha 8) The test was okay I guess. They tested Lau and I on bed bathing which we've learnt but never done before O__O We almost freaked out but I just told Lau to answer all questions logically. Like seriously, actually FA and HN are very logical stuff, it's just that people like to think that they're complicated and think of such complicated treatment and everything when actually everything is very very very simple -.- LOL. So we kind of guessed our way through the entire test (x Yup. But I guess it was okay haha. And the judge was so damn freaky. She looked so fierce, and she's a nurse. Wth, if I were a patient and even if I soiled my pants I won't even call her please --.-- What happened to nursing rule number one: ALWAYS SMILE AND BE APPROACHABLE. She probably repels people but okaaaay, maybe it's just her face. Headed home with them haha, and Jolin was being epic and talking about a lot of funny stuff (: Then Lau and her got off at Paya Lebar and Yinglin later at Macpherson and so I loner-ed home teehee.

Listening to a lot of mashups, and none of them sound good -.-

I will never get out of the shadows of you.

If you still talk about it, you still care.

Alrights, okay, nothing much to say haha. I'm very screwed, I have a lot of homework left undone -.- Omg why why why D: I'm not even sure what homework I have actually. And because of all the business this week, I haven't been checking my mail so I'm so sorry guys if you think I'm daoing LOL. 
